Part 16

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Tris P.O.V

*later that night*

Tobias is out with Zeke. I managed to get him to agree to some 'bonding time' with him. I hear a know on the door. That must be Uriah. I open it to see a nervouse loking Uriah, completely diffrent to how he normally is. But I understand why, I mean we are telling some 16 year olds a secret that could kill us. Wow, this rerally is a HUGE risk. Dam i made my self more nervouse.

He comes and sits inside with me. We look at each other and sigh. he goes back to bouncying his knee and i go back to twistng my hair. then we hear..


It must be them, I open the door to see a smily Jasmine and James. Once they see my face their smiles fade.

"Um what did you want to talk to us about?" James sks us really unsure, I cant balme him. I dont say a word I just motion for them to go inside. I see them squeaze each others had more. AWWWW cuteness! They walk in to see Uriah.

"Um what is this?" Jasmine aks turning towards me.

"We need to talk to you about your divergence." I say quietly. The look at each toher, then smile.

"We both have it?" James asks supriesed yet sad, he must want to protect her, like Tobias does me!

"Yes you do, you are the only ones this year. But me and Uriah are boh divergents, we are going to tell you how to handl you final sim." I say strongly, after seeing the fear and sadness in their eyes they need to survie, their this years Tobias and me, well hopefully without the whole Al thing.

"So who do we survie, it's not like we can just hide away or just go 'Yeah hi i'm divergent come get me!'" James says, why are candors always so difficult?

"You do what a dauntless would do. If you are on a high building, don't jump, run the a near building. take caution." Uriah says to them for the first time.

"What if we can't? Some fears take controll so much you cant help it." Jasmine says shaking. James looks at her and hugs her, fear obviously overwhelming her.

"You have to. We can only help so much. The rest you must do by your-self." I explain. Jasmine stops shaking as much and looks up. I see her red, splochy face and tear staind chheks.

"I know you two can make it. Your stong. You have to make it." I say, then Jasmine does something unexpected, she walks up to me and hugs me.

"Thank you." She wispspers. She does the same to Uriah then goes back to James.

"Well we just need to know that a couple this cute is safe." Uriah says, making them both blush.

"Oh No! I told Conor we would have a double date with him, Lucy, Jess and who ever shes with." James says face plaming.

"WHAT! JESS HAS A BOYFRIEND I DON'T KNOW ABOUT!" Jasmine screams. Wow, maby their the Christina and Will of this year, I would never do that, and Tobias sucks at double dates.

*Flash back (Cause I can)*

I'm sitting at a table next to Tobias opisit Zeke and Shauna. Everyones laughing untill it's no longer funny. We sit their for ten minutes not talking just lookinmg around uncomfortable. Then the food comes out. We all sigh and start to eat. Once done and paid for we stand and exit, say goodbywe and leave.

"We are NEVER doing that AGAIN!" Tobias says. I laugh at him, but nod. It was painful, actually painful.

*End of flash back!*

I smile as the two love birds leave.

"Well that went well."Uriah says as he heads to the door.

"Yup well see you later. Candor o Dauntless?" He says just about to turn out of the door. I nod in rsponce. Great, time to pout some layers on. he walks away leaving me with my thoughts.

Then I hear the door open. I look up to see a silingn Tobias. He walks over to kiss me. i push back he looks hurt i just laugh at his face.

"Are you drunk in any way shape or form?" I ask all serious, 'drunk Tonias' sleeps on the couch and DOES NOT play Candor or Dauntless.

"No, but Zeke if he isstill standing when bwe get to his for Candor or Dauntless I would be suprused!" I stiffle a giggle. He always gets drun k on these types of things. I think even that double date he was slightly drunk. Hum, he may have a proble with social occasions.

"Right lets get ready!" I say juming of the sofa.

"Right behind you!" He says smirking, I just shake my head at him and tut.

*Once ready to part-a*

We arrive at Zekes house to see only our little group of friends and some of the initiates.

"Alright finally we can start." Uriah yells. I see Zeke flinch. I laugh at him.

"You think this is funny sweatheart?" he says glaring at me. I just laugh more and so does everyone els.

"NO I THINK IS REALY FUNNY!" I yell in responce, just to make it even worse. If looks could kill I would be dead a thousand times.

"Okay can we just shup up now?" Shauna says obviously exited to play.

"I'm sorry but I don't shut up, I grow up," I say looking at Christina, she gets the point and joins in, "And when I see your face I throw up!" We finish and laugh our butts off. I'm rolling around on the floor, while everyone looks confused.

"Inside joke don't worry, and we didn't mean it girl." Chrisy explains.

"ANYWAY ON WITH THE GAME!" Uriah yells like a child, once again making Zeke flinch. Could I find better frineds?"


Hi guys! Sorry for not updating! I've been busy! Have you seen INSURGENT yet? Saw it Friday with ma BOO (Before Overwieght Octopuses) (sorry inside joke). It was really good nothing like the book but ya! I saw my self in Peter and Caleb, they way they handled situations were great! Not the evil ones but the social ones!! AMAZING! Also sorry abut spelling mistakes. I'm noy amazing with them! Anyway.....

Bye Bye Narwals


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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