Chapter 7

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A year later

Tris P.O.V

Well it's been a pretty normal year. Well as normal as a dauntless year can be. We went paintball ing, zip lining and so much more. We even gate crashed an amity party!

"Hey babe." I say as Tobias walks through the front door.

" Hey are you exited of the initiates tomorrow?"

"YES!" I shout as a response.

"Well it's late. I'm sorry I got in late but the guys dragged me out. But let's go to bed." He says. Oh I forgot in the year that past Tobias ask me to move in and I of coerce said YES!!!


Tris P.O.V

I wake up almost jumping out of bed. Today the initiate come!

"Woah. Slow down there girl!" Tobias says jokingly. I hit him in the arm playfully and run to get ready.

I come out of the bathroom in a black crop top, black leather it pants, a leather jacket and black combat boots. my make up is kept to minimal with mascara and eyeliner with a bit o lip gloss.

"WOW! You look... wow!" Is all he says as I walk into the room and into the view of Tobias. I giggle.

"Come on stop drooling. we have to get to the net." I say, "ooooo and toss me a muffin!"

He throws a muffin at me and we make our way to the net holding hands the whole way!

Once we get there Tobias puts in his games face.

"How do you do that?" I ask

"Do what?"

"Go all four and emotionless?"

"I don know I have had to learn to hide it so it has just become easy." he replies

I shrug and peck him on the lips. We decide to keep our relationship a secret because we don't want them to think that we're soft.

Just the I see a drop of yellow and red fall on the net. I take her hand and pull her off.

"What's your name?" I ask emotionless. she looks scared but proud. she reminds me of me a bit. same build except that she is a lot talker.

"Jasmine." she replies confidently.

"FIRST JUMPER JASMINE - Amity!" all the dauntless clap and stomp and she is guided away. Then a drop of blue follows.

When all the the initiates have jumped we have 7 transfers.


Candor- Jess, James, Lucas.

Erudite- Lucy, Katrina, Conor.

"Right, transfer with me and six dauntless born Uriah an Lynn!" shouts Tobias. They separate and we walk towards the pit.

"I'm four and this is six."

"Like the numbers?" Jess asks

"Yes do you have a problem with that?"

"No just wondering."

"Well I I wanted to hear about candor smart remarks I would have chosen their faction!" I say as I walk up to her.

we continue to the chasm.

"This is the chasm. One dare devil jumps can end your life" I say. then a sadness of Al washes over me. tears threaten to spill into my eyes. I quickly dismiss them.

"Well training starts at 8:00 and ends at 6:00. now go eat and meat us here after so we can show you your room." I say emotionlessly.

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