[3. The Science Tutor]

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Percy was only a tad bit tired from whatever the hell he wanted to call that interaction with the wizard. He'd also had to finish his conversation with a startled Nico and then go back home to his mother and Paul, then go to his room and stare at his homework. The fact that he actually had to try to graduate was something that stressed him out way too much. Ever since he was a kid, school was low priority for him. Whether it be getting expelled or just not able to even read the worksheets he was given, he'd just never had much of a chance to learn. Thus, Percy sucked at school and was nearly failing all of his classes.

It being senior year, he wad screwed. A couple years ago he would've just let himself drop out and focus on demigod things, but Annabeth was really excited about going to college with him, so he had no choice. That didn't mean he'd have an easy time doing so.

"You know, that problem isn't gonna do itself."

  Percy sighed, "Well, I was hoping a kind mother would walk up and give me wise words of advice."

  "I'm not doing your homework for you," Sally put a hand on Percy's shoulder and stared at the worksheet. "You're having trouble with physics?"

  "Hey, Just because I can throw a sword around doesn't mean I know anything about this!" He frowned, Sally ran her hand through his hair gently. 

  "You know, I have a friend who has a kid that goes to a really nice science school." Sally rested her hand back on Percy's shoulder, "I could see if he'd be willing to tutor you?"

  "Oh, umm, I could always just get Annabeth to-"

  "You always say that, but you and I both know you don't wanna bother Annabeth. You think she'd be disappointed that you couldn't do this yourself. Maybe having someone who you don't know, someone that doesn't know about you, do it. Then you might be able to focus more and let yourself learn."

  "Yeah but I have ADHD and Dyslexia. I feel like making someone else deal with me would be cruel."

  "Well, it's either fail or accept the offer. I still have to talk to her, but I'm sure it'd be fine." Sally smiled, "I'd help you, but it's been way too long since I had to do any of that science stuff."

  Percy chuckled, "Fine. If the kid wants to, then I'm okay with it."

  "Good. I'll give her a call."

Percy sighed as he watched his mother leave the room. A tutor wasn't going to help at all, he'd had some in the past that tried at first, but quickly failed. Percy just couldn't understand the material, and he was usually fine with that. As a kid he saw no future for himself anyways, he remembered Smelly Gabe always saying that he wouldn't make it to be thirteen. He either thought he'd die before graduation, or he'd just flunk out of high school and live shitty minimum wage jobs for the rest of his life. When he found out he was a demigod, the idea of surviving to sixteen seemed impossible. But yeah, there he was. Seventeen and desperately trying to make up for a decade of failing.

He rubbed at his temples before standing up and ignoring his homework. He needed some quality rest before he could even think about finishing his work, and so he'd rather just take a nap. After all, Annabeth did always say that being well-rested was very important.

Gods, he missed her.


"Peter!" Two knocks on his door, it swung open before he could even say she could enter.

Peter Parker was sat on his bed staring at his phone, he'd been looking at videos people took of him- well, of Spider-Man. He liked to see what people thought of him sometimes, see what they expected of him. It wasn't a great idea, something Tony always advised against, but he did it anyways. He was a curious kid after all, why wouldn't he?

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