[Prologue: Tony Stark needs a Life]

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  The avengers were no more, that was something that was obvious to the world. It was a subtle change at first, the absolute silence in New York really made the citizens concerned. There was a distinct lack of property destruction and alien invasions. It didn't take long for News articles to be made questioning the status of the beloved heroes.

The worst part about the situation was that the team was split up, and the avengers no longer spent any time together. The team was practically disbanded, the government had Tony on a leash as they tried getting him to search for the 'rogues.'

  Honestly, Tony didn't give a shit about what Steve and the other rogues did. He couldn't defend what Bucky did, he couldn't forgive that. Even if it wasn't technically him, he was the one to kill Tony's parents. He knew it wasn't completely right to be upset with Bucky (because it was really the winter soldier who did it), but he sure as hell could be upset at Steve for trying to protect that suicide bomb of a man. There was no telling when he'd turn around and go crazy again. Tony didn't want anyone else dead, was that too much to ask for?

And so what if Tony now spent all of his time drinking away his problems and working on new suits? Did it really matter what Tony did? In the end, he was always the guy who financially supported the team and provided tech for them. Sure, he was Iron Man too, but the media didn't really care about him when right next to him were cool heroes with superpowers. He was just a mere mortal wearing a metal costume to them.

"Another suit?"

He turned towards the doorway where a beautiful strawberry blonde stood. She smiled softly once their gazes met, but he quickly turned his attention back towards his new project.

"Not much else I can do right now. Rather do this than sit through another meeting anyways."

Pepper Potts sighed and entered the room, stopping at the chair he was sitting on and putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You could try and find out where Bruce went. I'm sure he's still off the radar?"

Bruce Banner was another issue. While he didn't participate in the fun little battle Tony had against Steve, he'd been missing for a while. Ever since the battle against Ultron, that is. It was like he just disappeared off the face of the earth. No trace of where he could've gone, and no texts or calls would be answered.

Tony had long given up on that search, without his team then there was no chance he could figure out the answer. Besides, sometimes people don't want to be found. Bruce was always an introvert, never one to enjoy the company of others. Sure, he was a friendly and smart guy, but he did best when his thoughts remained in his head.

He sighed, "No point. There's no way of tracking him."

"How about Thor? Have you heard from him lately?"

"No, last I checked he was busy with some Asgard shit." Thor was... well, he was Thor. Tony honestly didn't care what he was up to, as long as it wasn't going to endanger anyone.

"Well, what about Peter?"

Tony paused and looked over at her, "The kid?"

Pepper nodded.

"What's there to handle with him? He doesn't want to be an avenger."

"He only said no because he thought it was a test, if you asked him again then he'd accept!" Pepper frowned and stared into Tony's eyes. "But I know why you're hesitating, I know you see yourself in him and it's scaring you."

"It's not that," Tony set down a scrap piece of metal he was holding and turned his full attention to Pepper. "Right now, he's just helping New York, he's 'looking out for the little guy,' as he says. He wants to be part of this big hero world where he can do much more, but he doesn't realize how badly it'll impact him."

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