Plain vanilla ice cream?!? Also Oikawa

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Ch. 3

{Kaito Pov}

"OMG, I TOTALLY FORGOT KAITO YOU'RE GOING TO KARASUNO???" Hinata yells out of nowhere. His eyes sparkle kind of creepily but it was cute so whatever. He starts bouncing up and down like crazy again and I think for a second that he might actually explode with all of that energy bubbling up inside of him. Luckily, Kageyama saves the day by whacking him on the head and yelling, "BOKE HINATA BOKE! He just said he was, dumbass"

"THAT MEANS WE'LL BE ON THE SAME TEAM! Oh, this will be so great and we can even go to nationals and MAYBE WE'LL EVEN WIN!! Won't that be the best, Hotaru?" He keeps going excitedly, his hands waving around manically.

I agree obviously because it would be great. Sunshine is the most excitable person I have ever met and was extremely athletic while Kageyama was, well, Kageyama and obviously had amazing skills as a setter to be able to pull off that crazy quick Hinata and him did. If they were this good as first years, imagine how good the rest of the team would be. This is freaking awesome.

We keep talking while Ushiwaka (aka the scary hot guy from the first school magazine) told Hinata, and Kageyama who was kind of just standing there, not to discredit the hard work it takes to get to nationals or whatever. Goshiki and Semi make small talk with me about my career as a figure skater. Tendou is busy scaring children for fun. (king)

"My biggest inspiration is definitely Yuzuru Hanyu though, he's so cool. I met him once at this convention thingy and he let me touch Pooh bear and even told me good luck for the Olympics later that year. It was life-changing!" I ramble on to them and we walk towards the shop. Goshiki practically hangs off my every word and I can't help but think about how good he looks like that, with the sun hitting his face just right.

My attention is taken from him as we finally approach the ice cream shop that had led me to all of these people. God that was sappy. Anyway, I skip into the shop practically glowing and order a large mango ice cream with white marshmallows, mango drizzle and sprinkles. The others' orders were:

Kageyama- Blueberry with white chocolate flakes

Hinata- Strawberry with chopped strawberries and strawberry syrup (yeah, he's that guy)

Tendou- One scoop Cookies&Cream and one scoop Triple Choc Chip with every topping (except nuts)

Ushijima- Vanilla

Goshiki- Vanilla with sprinkles (he wanted to be like Ushi but had to spice it up)

Semi- Choc Chip Cookie Dough with chocolate sauce (literally my order the rare times I get ice cream-)

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