✨ScHoOl TiMe✨

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{Kaito Pov}


I yelp at the feeling of freezing cold water on my face and look over to Yuri who had a large smirk on his face.

"Rise and shine princess, you have classes to get to." He sniggers still looking at me with that smug smile that I want to punch right off of his face.

"Asshole," I grumble underneath my breath as I get out of my now soaked bed. I dry myself up and start getting ready for the day. My new uniform is hung up neatly in my closet and let me tell you it looks amazing. I could totally understand why Hinata and Kageyama like the school so much if even the uniform was this cool. I get dressed, and because I'm feeling extra today I decide to put on one of my nicer sets of earrings. The dress code just said that jewellery could not be excessive.

I give myself a once over and do some finger guns in the mirror, like the awkward bisexual I am. I conclude that I look snazzy enough for a Monday and head out to the kitchen where I find Yuri whistling cheerfully and making omelette rice for breakfast.

He waves me over and we say a quick "Itadakimasu!" before digging in.

"Yuri, have I ever told you how much I love you?" I sigh in utter bliss after finishing my meal. Yuri rolls his eyes.

"Only when I make you food. Now get to school, you gremlin" I give him a jaunty salute and proceed to march out the door with the school supplies that were flung at my head just a moment ago.

I take my air pods out of my bag and start blasting some random English song. As I vibe to the music, a blur of orange whizzes past on a bike, nearly knocking me over.

Hang on, I know that carrot top. Was that Hinata?!

Curious I break into a run and try to catch up with the bike. Hinata seems to notice and slows down a little bit. He sends me a blinding smile and yells so I can hear him above the wind.

"Hey, Hotaru! Are you ready for your first day?" I nod at him, smiling back, and we go on like this for a bit until the school is in our sight.

I was about to wave goodbye at him until I had an idea.

"Hey, Hinata? You're going to your morning practice, right?" He brightens up even more at the word 'practise,' and nods vigorously.

"Uh huh. Oooh, do you want to come with me Hotaru? You can meet the entire team, and Kiyoko-san, and, and maybe even Takeda-sensei if he's there too," He gushes at the prospect and I feel relieved at the fact that I didn't even have to ask.

"Yeah, I'd love to!"

With that, he puts his bike in the rack, grabs my hand like last time and drags me towards a huge gym. In hindsight, I probably should've expected something like that to happen, but I was still a little shocked. Hinata must see my startled expression and sympathetically explains that he had to beat Kageyama to the gym, otherwise he would lose his winning streak. I chuckle a little at this but let him drag me anyways. Turns out it paid off because we did in fact end up beating Kageyama there, but we were also the only people there.

Volleyball God Haikyuu x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now