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Unexpected, but not entirely unwelcomed, the Barneses returned from trick-or-treating to find Rhodey, Tony, and Pepper sitting on their porch steps. Immediately Oliver rushed over to his friends. Sure, he saw them at school, but Steve knew how different that could be.

"No, c'mon guys, you know that Ollie's grounded," Bucky reluctantly told the bunch, "C'mon, you all know better."

"Mr. Barnes," they chorused in their complaints.

"Dad," Oliver argued, "It's a holiday."

"It's the Saturday before the holiday," Bucky corrected. "And even if it was Halloween, you're still grounded. Nice try though."

The way Oliver's shoulders slumped along with the other teenagers made Steve's chest clenched. His son was a good boy, he was. He got good grades. He helped around the house. Yes, he snuck out and could have gotten hurt in the process. But he was on his way to help his friend in need. Surely, that counted for something.

And even though it wasn't technically their beloved holiday, the spirit of it was still in the air.

Completely surprising himself, Steve offered, "Perhaps they can watch a movie with us."

It was tradition to watch a family appropriate movie after trick-or-treating. And one could argue that it was the natural magic in the air that warmed Steve's heart, but he couldn't help but want to give Oliver a treat tonight.

Bucky's brows arched high on his forehead, shocked. Regaining his wit, Bucky stood with his husband. "One movie."

The teens cheered and Steve didn't even try to fight the smile that broke out along his face. As the kids rushed inside the house, Bucky hung back, waiting for Steve. And Steve adored his mate all the more. Especially when Bucky slung his arm along his slender shoulders and kissed his temple.

"You're too good for us, ya know that?"

Blushing at the compliment, Steve shrugged and argued, "It was the least I could do. He's a good kid, and I'm sure he meant well. He just went about things the wrong way."

Bucky kissed him again as they walked across the front porch. Letting Steve enter the house first, Bucky gave his bum a playful slap. Turning to face his husband, Steve swatted at Bucky and quietly warned, "The kids."

Pulling Steve into himself, Bucky nuzzled into his neck as he suggested, "How about we have the teens watch the littles and we have our own little party in our room."

Rolling his eyes, the smile stayed on his face as he broke free from his loose hold. Entering the living room, Steve made his way to the master suite and called over his shoulder to the kids, "Let me get out of this costume real quick."

As Bucky followed, Finn mocked a gag and Oliver half-joked, "Gross, there are little ears here."

"Oh, we're not going to do anything," Steve waved off the comment while Bucky cackled behind him. Coming up close behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist, Bucky lifted the petite omega off his feet, earning a squeal from Steve and another, "gross," from Oliver.

Once their bedroom door was shut, Bucky set Steve back on his feet and covered his mouth with his hands as though he was trying to muffle his laughter. The same way that their kids did when they were trying to be sneaky. Steve couldn't help but find it a little endearing.

"C'mere and unzip me," Steve insisted, turning so his back was to his husband once more.

"Don't have to tell me twice."

Pulling down the zipper to the Power Ranger costume, Bucky used that to his advantage as he kissed the knobs at the top of Steve's spine. Shuddering at the sensation, Steve pulled away and gave him a warning look.

Pointedly looking at the door, Steve hissed, "The kids are in the next room and waiting for us."

Undressing himself, Bucky assured, "Not tryin' to start nothin'."

"Yeah, okay," Steve sarcastically replied while rolling his eyes. Stepping out of the costume, Steve tossed it in the hamper and straightened his sweats that had rumpled underneath the faux Power Ranger suit.

As Bucky was still removing his more elaborate costume, Steve exited the bathroom, but not without slapping the taut bum of his mate's once it was revealed. Chuckling to himself, he found the littles on the floor in their piles of candy, Rhodey in the kitchen making popcorn, and Tony showing Oliver and Pepper something on the screen of his smartphone.

It was all so normal. And even though it was normal, it still tugged at his heartstrings. Steve knew that it always would.

Settling down on the sofa beside Finn, Steve slung his arm along the back of the couch. The pre-teen relaxed into him, and Steve affectionately threaded his fingers through the short auburn curls. And since he was relaxed on the sofa, the other kids migrated closer along with the furry, fluffy felines.

It wasn't until Bucky and Rhodey joined them in the living room that Oliver put on Halloweentown. The teens quoted the movie and good-naturedly made fun of the cheesy parts that scared the children. Steve and Bucky both appreciated it when the littles didn't cower in fear. They giggled instead, which was a vast improvement.

With the littles passed out in their costumes on the floor, the movie came to an end. Bucky stood from his spot on the sofa and stretched his long limbs, groaning in relief as his back cracked. Oliver and the other teens stood as well and none of them argued about having to leave.

Exchanging hugs with each of them, Steve made sure to remind Tony, "If you need anything, don't be afraid to call."

"I will," Tony assured, giving Steve one more hug.

Once he was done, the teens climbed into Pepper's sister's van and left. Steve hoped that they would have a safe trip. But with Jillian driving, he knew that they would.

Watching until they were too far to see, Steve closed the door and was startled when Oliver pulled him in for a tight bear hug. It brought fresh tears to Steve's eyes as he embraced his oldest son. Although Oliver was taller than him now, Steve was reminded of the little boy he had been, and how he was still so young. A sophomore in high school now, but forever his little guy.

Softly, Oliver sniffled and said, "Thank you."

Scent-marking over Oliver's back, "You're welcome, sweetie."

Oliver pulled back from the embrace to wipe his wet face and sniffled. Steve made sure he didn't pull back too far as he playfully reminded, "Next time you'll think twice before sneaking out."

He was relieved when Oliver laughed in agreement.

Letting Go: Green Series 9 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now