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In the morning, Steve woke before the alarm clock could even go off. Annoyed with his internal clock and the insistent way that his body reacted to any plans as though his nerves were confused that he was a kid, and it was the first day of school all over again. Hoping that he could get just a few more minutes of rest, he rolled over to cuddle with his husband, but the alpha was snoring like a chainsaw and, even without his hearing aids, the brunet was too loud for him.

Sighing, Steve looped his hearing aids around the shell of his ear and made sure the volume was on. Sliding on his glasses next, he looked over at Bucky. Always feeling more protective when the man was sleeping since he looked so peaceful and innocent.

Before climbing out of the king size bed, Steve leaned over to kiss his forehead. Momentarily jealous of how heavy of a sleeper his husband was. Even more jealous of the cats that were cuddled up to the still-sleeping alpha.

Deciding to get a jump on his day, he finished his morning routine and left the master suite. Princess Butterfly yowled from the sofa as she greeted him a good morning, and Steve rolled his eyes. "'Morning to you too, PB."

Starting with refilling the cats' food dispenser and giving them fresh water. Then, getting things ready to make French Toast. And since he had a good half hour before he could make the birthday breakfast, he scavenged around for something to make the breakfast a little more festive.

Some candles, a couple of balloons, sprinkles to top the short stacks – score! Getting some of the kids' crayons and different colored construction paper, Steve got to work making a banner. Because Steve would be damned if he didn't make this special for the teen, no matter how last minute it was.

Almost done with the second word, Steve checked the clock and wondered where the time had gone. Frantically, he tried to rush to finish the last four letters so he could tape them with the others above the kitchen archway before Ian woke up.

After putting the step-ladder away, Steve checked the clock again and was relieved to find that he had five minutes to spare and enough time to get breakfast started. Usually, Steve didn't mind Ian being such an early bird, but today, as he hurried to get things ready for his special day, he wished that the teen was more like his own kids who tried to sleep for as long as they could.

"Oh. Oh, wow."

Turning, Steve found Oliver. The teen was looking at the impromptu decorations and grinned, "You've been busy."

"Well," Steve shrugged, turning back to flip the current slice of French Toast. Clarifying, "Ian is a part of the family. He deserves to have a special day too."

For a moment, there was nothing but the sound of the frying slice of bread, so Steve assumed that he was by himself again. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched Oliver sit at the breakfast bar. It was early for him, but Steve wasn't going to complain.

"You could at least make yourself useful," Steve half-teased as he gestured to the balloons that he hadn't had time to blow up.

"I don't, uh," Oliver attempted to argue, "I don't think Ian cares about whether there's balloons or –"

"Oliver Thomas," Steve crossed his arms along his chest, "I can't believe that you're not going to help make this a special day for your boyfriend."

Sighing, Oliver reached for the balloons and started blowing them up. Nodding to himself, Steve turned back to the hob to get the next batch of French Toast ready. Hoping that they got everything done by the time that –

"Whose birthday?"

Nearly jumping out of his skin, Steve turned to find Ian. Immediately, he announced, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Letting Go: Green Series 9 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now