1: When she doesn't remember me

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Binny's Note
Hello, I am back! Before the start of this, I just wanted to thank everyone again for supporting my first au and for your patience for this second one. Just a reminder, every medical thing that happens in the story is not backed up by any research. I knew someone that knew someone that had amnesia (does this make sense lol) and this actually doesn't happen. It's much simpler in real life. Movies and books tend to exaggerate it to have a plot. And this au will take that exaggeration too! I hope you don't mind. But if you do, let me know! Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy it! 

"W-who are you?" Yoohyeon tried not to cry in front of Minji. She couldn't believe that such questions would come out of Minji's lips. She knew but hearing that question from her, from her wife, from the love of her life, her heart broke to pieces.


"Wait, Dr. Kim. You need to know something. I'm suspecting Kim Minji has amnesia. The trauma on her head was too strong. Ms. Handong and her parents were there but she didn't recognize them. She's currently resting now and we're checking if it's just momentary. I don't want you to come now. I'll call you when she's awake again." The doctor of the neurosurgery department told her. Her heart broke, her knees went weak, her mind was troubled. There's a chance that her wife won't remember her. 


She had a pint of hope that Minji would remember when she saw her, her wife. But she doesn't. The only thing that she appreciates now, is at least, Minji is alive. 

"Uhm... I'm Kim Yoohyeon. I'm your....." Yoohyeon breathed out. She had to do this.

"Friend. And I'm a doctor at this hospital." She knows that she can't just tell Minji that she's her wife. She's a doctor, for god's sake. And Minji just woke up, probably confused too, and she's not gonna add to that confusion. Even if she wants Minji to remember her, even if she badly wants to hug and kiss Minji right now, she can't. 

"Oh. I'm sorry Yoohyeon. I- I can't seem to remember you." To hear Minji call her without love, to see that Minji is not looking at her as if she's the most valuable treasure in this world, Yoohyeon's heart crushed.

"I-It's okay, Minji. W-we're all here to help you." Minji just gave her a small smile. Yoohyeon.... She's actually pretty, Minji thought.

"Thank you, Yoohyeon." The doctor turned her back around and cleared her throat. No, she can't cry now. She needs to be strong for Minji.

"Uhm... do you need anything? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Minji shook her head.

"No, I'm fine. It's actually quite comfy here." Yoohyeon nodded.

"That's great! Uhm well, if you need anything, just press the button and I'll come, okay?" Minji smiled.

"Okay. Thank you again, Yoohyeon." The younger bowed and went out. She rested her hand on the wall because if she didn't, her knees would betray her. Her heart was hurting so bad. She broke down in the hallway because she can't stand up anymore. Nurse Min approached her and gave her a hug. 

"I'll bring you to your office, Dr. Kim." Yoohyon nodded and allowed nurse Min to guide her. Her legs were giving up on her so nurse Min asked some of the staff to help her. After bringing Yoohyeon back to her office, they left the doctor alone. They heard loud, ugly sobs inside of the room and quickly left because they can't bear to hear that too. 

Yoohyeon brought Minji's wedding ring out of her pocket, where her name is engraved in it. She promised Minji that once she wakes up, she'll place it again. The doctors had to remove every accessory that a patient wears every time they have surgery. But, it seems like she can't do it now. 

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