01 ―『 be quiet 』

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Chapter One - Be Quiet.


"Hey, Emma!" I called my best friend who was laying on the top part of our bunk bed. "When did the trojan war happened again?"

Her groan reach my ear. "Oh, please. Spare me with your questions, y/n."

"Oh, wait. Nevermind, I got it!" I chuckled, waving my hand dismissively, "thanks for being useless."

I heard a sound from where she was laying. Seconds later, her head hanged upside down as herblonde hair swayed throught the invisible air as she gazed at me with a deadly stare.

"You're so mean, you know that? If you weren't my best friend, I would've kicked you out of the house right now," she whispered the last sentence, though it was still loud enough for me to hear.

Her little tantrum made me laugh. "You wouldn't do that. You love me."

"Not as much as i love Ken, though."

Her rebuttal made me roll my eyes at her, which made her laugh, before stumbling back into her position. In loved btch.

I continued studying as I hear emma watch some tiktok videos on her phone, clearly not phased at the fact that tomorrow is our history exam. A weekly hellish exam being held by our hellish history teacher. If it wasn't for the grades then I would've just be sitting on the sofa right now, watching netflix and chillin' with my bloated but satisfied tummy.

It was currently twelve midnight when i finished. hearing my stomach growl. I gently pat it, before going on and fixing my things. I was craving for ice cream even when it was cold.

Seeing the stormy weather outside, I decided to wear a raincoat and a pair of boots, then getting the the umbrella from the side of my bed before heading off. I don't really care about the bad weather, no one can stop a person with an empty stomach from devouring food to their hearts' content like they've been starved for years.

The cold was almost unbearable if only I wasn't wearing a thick sweater underneat my raincoat. I playfully stepping on puddles, creating rings. I giggled, probably looking childish at this moment.

My clothes danced together with the aggressive wind. I shivered as I hurriedly ran towards the convenience store. My umbrella was almost unrecognizable the moment I stepped inside. I hanged it at the corner to let it dry before taking off my raincoat, putting it beside my umbrella before scurrying towards the desserts section.

My eyes scanned the refrigerator, finding the strawberry-flavoured ice cream, which was my favorite. Immediately taking two before going to the chips section, getting three for the siblings. I went towards the counter, paying all of the snacks.

Going back home was harder than going to the store, especially now that i'm holding a plastic bag containing the snacks. I decided to leave my umbrella, luckily enough, I knew one of the staff so I'm not really worried of it being stolen.

I walked through the sidewalk with my head down, hugging the plastic bag tightly to my chest like it was some treasure. It was indeed one, food will always be treasure.

I was about to pass some alley when I heard weird noises. Slowly coming towards it, the sound became even more clearer amidst the storm. Hits and groans where heard. Like someone was being beaten up badly.

Peeking through, I saw five men wearing some weird hoodies. And another one on the ground with his head hung low. I couldn't see anymore details because of the hoodie he's wearing, and because of the rain.

I witnessed how they kicked him in the stomach, the other one held the boy's arms from the back while another kneed him on the face. The others were just laughing, not giving a single help to the poor boy.

Memories of my traumatic childhood came rushing back into my head. How my mom would beat me up whenever I don't give my food. how she always guilt-tripped me of being a selfish daughter and sister for not sharing all whilst hitting my face with a stick from our broom.

I took a large step back, not noticing the trash bin behind me. Its loud clangs resonated through the place, mixing in together with the thick clouds' thunders and the heavy droplets of rain. Though, it didn't stop those strangers from hearing it, turning their heads towards my direction.

Their stares made my legs trembled. I tried stepping back, about to run away when my foot hit the bin, making me fall on my butt. I should search how to strangle a trash can once I got home.

I was still hugging the plastic bag, feeling their presence approaching me. The echoes of their footsteps reached my ears until it synchronously beat together with my anxious heart as I felt myself starting to get nervous at how one of them crouched infront of me with a sinister smirk.

"Well, what do we got here?" His voice made me flinch. "A lost maiden, I see."

The wind blew even stronger, removing the hood from my head. The cold water trickled down my face as I look at the guy with fear.

His peircings, and his heart tattoo on the right corner of his forehead made me even more petrified than before. I have always encountered these kind of guys, but I was never this near one of them.

I was, indeed, once again in my life, scared.

A whimper left my mouth when I felt one of their hand on my leg. Wow, my biggest regret right now would be wearing such short shorts even in the midst of the cold night.

"What should we do with her?" the one standing with a cigarette on his mouth asked. Who the fuck smokes under the rain?

"Hey, princess," he called. His voice trying to sound soft but still ended up sounding like a perverted sixty-five year-old. "Would you like to have some fun?"

I shook my head aggressively, feeling my tears mixing together with the rain. Both of the fluids' salinity entered my taste buds, to which I paid no fret about as I was more concerned of the thought of what may possibly happe to me this night.

"Aw, princess is scared." They laughed at my state. "We, for sure, we'll be having some fun with you- oh shit. Nevermind," he immediately took back what he said.

They all stood up, making a run for their lives, making me confused. Not until I heard the siren not far away that made me breathe heavily, then letting it all go together with my body whom I didn't notice was stiff awhile ago. Thank goodness there are rovings in this place!

My gaze went towards the boy they've just beaten up. his head was still low. I noticed one of his hands on his back like he was about to get something.

Worried and scattering on the ground like a rat, I tried to stand up before rushing towards him.

"H-hey," I called, not recieving even a single answer.

I held both sides of his face, his hood keept my palms from being in contact with his skin. Raising his head and trying to see his face, he suddenly moved.

My body hit the cold wall, together with his hand covering my mouth. His other hand locked my wrists together just above my head.

I attempted to scream as I move, trying to get away from his hold, when suddenly, his face inched closer to me, until I heard his low and heavy breathing just beside my ear.

"Be quiet," he whispered, just as the police car passed through the alley, disappearing from our sight together with its loud sirens.



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