『 welcome 』

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welcome to strawberry boy.

• dsclmr !

- this is in first pov. if it does not fit your preference, it's fully okay for you to not read and force yourself into this book.

- english isn't my first language, so expect some typographical and grammatical errors.

- all the characters are not owned by me, it will be credited to their original creator, ken wakui.

- for the artist of the background i used in my book cover please do comment their name(s) so i can credit them properly. if they wish to take it down, i will gladly do so.

- this does not follow the timeline in the manga.

- it was late when i found out that sanzu actually had white hair during his teenage years, but let's just assume its pink because i'm too lazy to change up the plot and all.

- i don't know how to make someone laugh so i apologize in advance for my corny jokes.

• wrnng !

- lots of swearing, foul words, uncomfortable topics that may trigger one's trauma and dark past.

- i love, and mean LOVE to play and discover new words. so i apologize if i misused some foreign words you know the exact meaning of.

- i am not fully aware of anything that's circulating this society's issues. if you notice something in my works that are offensive to any existing community, please tell me immediately so i can take it down.

more will be added soon.

i hope you'll enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing this. hoping to be with y'all throughout my journey.


status: finished.
est: 101621
fin. 110721


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