05 ―『 who are you 』

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Chapter Five - Who Are You?


"Do you want to eat some noodles, first?" I asked him as we passed by a store.

He just nodded. I took hold of his wrist and pulled him inside. There's was no one other than the cashier.

Taking two cup noodles and some ready-boiled eggs, I went to sit beside him after paying. Thankfully enough, there was still hot water to use. After putting some seasonings, I poured the hot substance up to the cups' line before closing the lid and waiting for it to cook.

"Why are you only wearing a bag, don't you have much clothes?" I asked after some moment of silence.

"...I have. But I chose to just bring a few," he answered and I nodded, not asking anymore questions. thankfully enough, he's starting to answer my questions with words and not just a swift move of his head.

He became quiet until the noodles cooked, it was like our usual routine. Even though this was just the second time we ate together, it felt as if we've been doing it for years.

I finished the food first, disposing the cup on the nearby trash bin before going to the chips section to get the three siblings some snacks, then paying for those on the counter. We both walked out of the store.

The smell of good aroma immediately filled our noses the moment we stepped inside.

"We're home!"

Manjiro was sitting on the sofa, watching cartoons as usual. Shinichiro must be the one cooking food for us, but I'm still full from the noodles we ate earlier. As for Emma, I think she's either in our room or is outside.

We both went upstairs after taking off our shoes.

"Let me check if Emma's here first," I told him before opening the door to me and blondie's room.

Indeed, Emma was on her bed, her legs hanging midair and looking busy on her phone. I just shook my head before greeting her, the btch didn't even greeted me back.

I helped Haru with his belongings. We started cleaning his room to be before organizing his stuff. Though, it was not that hard considering the small amount of things he brought but still, it was tough especially being in a small room.

Accidentally hitting the piece of long leather bag with my foot, a plastic packet fell from the bag's pocket.

"Oh, sorry," I muttered, picking it up. There was some kind of weird white powder inside. Is it some powdered detergent? Or baby powder, perhaps?

My sight went back to the leather, noticing a glimmer of light shining from there. I didn't noticed a handle kind that was covered in leather until I took a second look. Without even thinking, I pulled it, revealing a long-ass katana.

Holy fuck, it was long. And it was pretty sharp just by the looks of it. I can feel my legs starting to tremble as I turned around, meeting the strawberry-haired boy's emerald orbs as he eyed me, trying to see my reaction.

He was clearly surprised, but he still didn't budge. He was just looking at me intently as I stood still and stiff, not knowing what to do. Who the fuck even brings a katana in the first place?

Looking back at the packet, I neared it to my eyes. being hit with the sudden realization, my grip on the katana loosened up. The loud sound of the metal echoed through the room.


What the actual fuck. Did I just let a drug addict live under our roof?

"Y/n? What was that loud noise?" Manjiro's voice echoed, causing my insides to panic.

As I hear his footsteps coming closer, I thought of ways to hide these things. With my instinct, I kicked the katana under the bed before hiding the leather together with the packet under the blanket. Then, pushing Haruchiyo, him bouncing a bit as his butt hit the soft mattress.

He was moved by my sudden action, but he remained silent. Good.

The door opened, revealing Manjiro. "I heard something, did anything happened?"

Shaking my head, I answered, "N-no! We're fine. maybe it's just some needle or-"

"Needle? that's not a kind of loud noise coming from a tiny sharp thing."

"Ehehe." Well, this shit's awkward. "Maybe some cat or whatever. Don't worry! Nothing happened here." I waved my hand to assure him.

Scanning the room one more time to make sure, he nodded. "You two should come down, food's almost cooked."

I nodded as he closed the door, leaving me and strawberry boy alone again in the small, suffocating room.

Sighing, I sat on the floor and continued organizing his clothes before putting it on the cabinet. I also arranged his other personal belongings.

"I'm not sure if I can still help you with the papers, so you should find a way for you to be able to study. You need that," I started talking. The boy with pink locks stayed quiet.

"You should find some work, you need money to live," I was about to go out when I remembered something. "By the way. If you're hungry, you can just eat with them downstairs. I'm still full so I can't accompany you. They're nice, though. There's nothing to be worried about." I gave him a small but encouraging smile, bidding him a little goodnight before shutting the door.

It was already late in the evening when I woke up. my mind flew back to what happened earlier.

That long ass katana he's been bringing all this time. The small packets, drugs.

My thoughts swirled dizzingly in my held as I held onto it as I feel it still not dissolving the sudden information.

Who would've thought, that quiet, introverted, strawberry boy, behind that mask is a dangerous criminal that sells drugs?

But he looked so innocent. He literally looked like a lost puppy waiting for his master to give him orders. Constantly following me around not knowing what to do.

With that, I realized, I haven't really known him. I just helped him find shelter, but never have I gotten to know his background. Sure, I know a few because of me filling up the useless form, but I never really got to know how he endured his obviously fucked up life.

Sanzu Haruchiyo... just who are you?



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