Chapter 6- "Kate?"

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I was stuck in darkness, black walls surrounded me, as a piercing screech came out of no where.
Where the hell was I?
I started to hear faint voices in the distance. I couldn't quite understand them, but I had heard the voice before. It sounded so familiar... my old best friend?
"Kate?" I asked as she appeared in front of me.
"This is a message, Emma. You must stay in Beacon hills." She spoke, almost in a whisper,"You mustn't tell anyone. Just you and me, ok?"
"Kate, what do you mean?"
"They aren't your friends, they've changed... you have to trust me, they're going to try and steal your power. Once you wake up, find me."
"How the hell do I find you? Do you know how big Beacon Hills is? I mean are you even here?"
"You'll know, you'll just know. Em, you'll just know..." Her words kept repeating it my head.

My vision started to come back... blurry at first, but then it cleared. I gasped and sat up quickly.
"Hey, hey, hey, Em... it's ok" I noticed I was in Derek and Peter's home still, I was in someone's room, on someone's bed... In Stefan's arms. He's so nice.

"Hey, Em it's ok." I snuggled closer towards his chest," I've got you, I'm never letting you go..."


I heard Derek and Scott arguing behind the shut door. I was still in Stefan's arms, he was gently rocking me back and forth. "Are you sure you're alright?"
I shut my eyes and remembered what Kate had said.
"Don't trust them.." I mumbled to myself.
"What?" Stefan asked me.
I turned round to face him, should I tell him?
"I.. nevermind-" he interrupted me.
"Em, tell me." I cupped his hands round my face and made out eyes meet.
"Just something that happened when I passed out" that's when I noticed the blood on his shirt,"sorry, I'll buy you a new shirt.."

He looked down at his -once blue- shirt, that now has a blood stain covering the front," I don't care about the shirt baby, I only care about you," he smiled. I heard more arguing behind the door, where Scott and Derek were. That's when I smelt a new scent.

I heard shuffling about, then the door opened. Revealing Derek, Scott and a mysterious person whom I didn't know.
"Stef, whose that?" I whispered.
"I don't know, ask your brother." I shook my head,"Em what happened before?"
Derek and Scott nodded at the guy who was wearing a doctors coat. And Scott left the room.

"Hi Em, my name is Deaton. I'm here to find out what happened to you." I looked at Stef and he made me face the guy.
I started fiddling with my hands. Stefan noticed and pulled his arms back round my chest, making me feel safer. After what Kate said, I don't trust anyone in Beacon Hills.

"So what are you? A wizard? Doctor?" Stefan asked, after an awkward moment of silence.
The Deaton guy looked up,"No I'm a veterinarian" I tilted my head in a confused manner, I recognised this guy from somewhere, but I couldn't quite pin-point it. Why is there a bloody vet here to fucking cure me?

"Can you call Bon-"
"Already did" I smiled.
"Thanks Stef."

"So, Emma. What did you see?" The veterinarian asked me. Shit, what should I say.
"Oh, erm nothing." I stuttered.

Derek and Stefan looked at me weird.
"Stop looking at me like that." I stated.
"Em, your lying. You heart skipped a beat." Derek said, looking at me in a concerned manner.
"N..nothing happened!" I shouted,"Just leave me alone"

"Alright, Derek and Stefan please leave the room for a minute" Deaton asked.
Derek nodded and left, whereas Stefan hugged me and then walked out.

"Emma, you can trust me." Deaton started rummaging through his bag.
"Yeah, yeah. Ive heard that before." I mumbled.
"By who Emily?"
I stared at him.
"Tell me Emma, what happened. I promise you can trust me."

I felt like I could actually trust him, so I told him. I told him what Klaus did, how Damon still haunts me in my subconscious. Everything that happened with Scott. The ordeal with Kate, just minutes ago.

"Emily, I know this may be hard to hear. But you can't trust Kate."
"Why bloody not!?" I was annoyed, Kate had been my (secret)best friend since middle school. I never told Melissa about her, since she always thought the Argents were a bit weird- them having a rather large gun collection and all.
"She isn't like us."
"No she's bloody not," I shouted."She's someone I can actually fucking trust!"
"Emma.." Deaton warned,"Scott and Derek are going to come back in a second I have to tell them. It's for your own safety."
"Yes, Emily."
"Go to hell"

And with that I stormed out of the room and with my vampire speed, ran outside the loft. To where Dereks car was parked. Fuck. I thought to myself, why are they telling me to stay away from Kate?

I stopped and took a few deep breaths, before I felt a dragging, pulling feeling. Forcing me to walk. Was this part of Kate's plan?
I didn't fight the feeling, I just let the magnetising-like pull take me, to wherever it was taking me.

I didn't care anymore. I just need a break. I break from supernatural drama... A break from everything......

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