Chapter 19- recovery

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Stefan's pov:
Em was wheeled into the OR about 3 hours ago. I was sat on the uncomfortable hospital chairs in the waiting room, Melissa next to me and Klaus to my other right. It was awkward. To say the least. Klaus texted Rebekah all of the details and apparently she was going to be here in an hour with Roman. The nurses weren't allowed to say much- hospital policy. But I still don't know what an ectopic pregnancy is. I guess I could ask Melissa, since she is in the medical field.

I lightly tapped her shoulder, and she turned to face me.
I stuttered, "Hey, erm.. I- Melissa. I just wanted to ask you something."
She nodded as if saying for me to carry on talking.
"...what exactly is an ectopic pregnancy?" After I said that, her eyes shut tightly and she lowered her head.
"I knew someone was always going to have to tell you," she faced me and klaus again. "Well, she had a miscarriage to put it the easy way." She paused, "But the foetus started developing it the wrong place, in one of the Fallopian tubes. So the Fallopian tube burst. The surgery is going to take out the tube and the foetus."
She sighed a shaky breath. I had tears forming in my eyes- I excused myself from the waiting room. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Then I just started crying, once I started I just couldn't stop. It was as if all my emotions came cascading down on me at once. All together...

So what Melissa had told me was that: i had a child, but it died. And there was nothing anyone could do about it. Now Em's having surgery to get one of her Fallopian tubes' removed and that will make us less likely to be able to have kids in the future. And she might die in surgery. Or a couple days later.

I stayed in the bathroom for another half an hour, just calming down. Until I got a text from Klaus saying that Em had been out of surgery and might wake up soon. So I rushed back into the waiting room, where I was lead by a doctor to her room.
The room was small and didn't have a lot of space, Melissa sat on a chair on one side of the bed, and I sat on the other side- on another chair. Em's breathing was steady and her heartbeat wasn't irregular anymore. She was already healing. I smiled slightly, and stroked her hand softly. Klaus went to the cafeteria to get everyone some coffee and Bex & Roman were downstairs playing with some Lego.

Another hour passed and Emily still wasn't awake. Melissa had to leave, as her shift had started again. Now it was only me, Emily and Klaus in the room. I sighed, I hated seeing her in this state. Helpless, fighting for her life.
Just then, I heard a groan and I snapped my head- looking towards Em.

Her eyes flickered open, "hey." She whispered, running her hand across the bed and holding mine.
"How you doing?" I said, leaning in and kissing her forehead.
"A bit better I guess. But everything hurts." She weakly smiled.
Klaus reached towards the table and grabbed a glass of water, and handed it to her.
"No problem," Klaus replied, "It's just relieving to see that you're ok now."
Her smile faded, "what happened?" I looked over at Klaus he stared back at me.
"Maybe we should talk about this later, you need to rest." I stated, knowing if I explained it to her I would probably break again.
"No. What happened?!" She raised her voice.

After hearing the commotion, a doctor and a nurse walked in. "Nice to see you're awake, Emma." The nurse from before, spoke. I think her name was Katy.
"Hya Katy." Em said, a bit agitated.
The doctor picked up her charts at the end of her bed.
"What happened to me? They won't say." Em breathed, pointing towards me and Klaus. Klaus looked at his shoes and I dropped my head.
Both the doctor and the nurse looked at each other, before the doctor finally spoke up. "Hi, Emma. I'm Dr Taylor, I've been looking after you, I also did your surgery." His smile was warming, I gently squeezed Em's hand- but she pulled away, still angry that I wouldn't tell her.
He carried on, "Well, I'm really sorry Emily. But you've had an ectopic pregnancy-"

The doctor was interrupted by Em's cries, I quickly sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into my chest, hugging her tightly, as she cried. "No! Please no.." She screamed.
"Hey, shhh. It's ok, you're ok baby." I whispered, trying to calm her down- but failing miserably.
She thrashed in my grip trying to run off.
She wasn't in a good state of mind, if I let her go now, she would probably do something stupid.

The doctor and nurse left a couple minutes after, leaving only me, Em and Klaus in the room. She was now calmer than she was before, but tears still streamed down her face. Just silent cries came from her, as she leaned against my chest.
"I'm sorry." She said after a while.
"It's not your fault," Klaus said, stroking her hand lightly.
"But it was! I took a test!" I was confused, what test?
"What do you mean, test? Em?" I asked.
She looked at her hands, trying to avoid the topic.

"I.. took a pregnancy test, it was a few weeks ago." How could she keep this from me? "But it was negative."
What? How?
"I should've taken another one! Just to be safe." She was hysterical again. Makes sense now.
"It's not your fault Em. We're going to get through this together, ok?" I said, looking at Em, then at Klaus. They both nodded.

We were silent for a short while, Klaus went to check on Bex and Roman. Emily was asleep on my chest, one of her hands gripping a handful of my shirt. It was finally peaceful again. Then I saw Scott standing in the doorway, with a sorrowful expression.
He started walking over.

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