It's A Small World

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Nicole's POV

I'm thinking of the things that Shamus told me when he held me captive. He told me his daughter and wife were killed by my deceased mates. Now Tom tells me he took in the child of the poor girl they raped. I feel so much regret if I had answered their calls and gone back to them. Maybe I could have prevented so much of the pain and suffering they caused. We've ignored the berserkers to long. We need to bring the rest back into the pack. They deserve punishment for their crimes. I wonder if Shamus should be told his grandson is alive or maybe it's best for the child if he doesn't know. Shamus's mind is damaged even though he has had a change of heart. I worry about his methods and motives.

I'm excited to meet Tom's sons soon. I plan on adopting them myself. I hope I can make their lives happy. It must have been hard to lose the woman they look to as their mother. I wish there had been someone there to rescue my sons when their fathers rejected them. I suck up the tears and curl around my cubs. Their naming day is in two days. I can't wait for them to officially join the pack.

Nikki's POV

Nicole walks into the kitchen with the older children at her feet. She had taken some time to play with them while the babies are asleep. She as Luna has learned a new gift she has. she can now keep her cubs from shifting everytime she does. It has lessoned her guilt about the council calling her away so much. I smile at her and lean down for a kiss. It feels nice not to have Courtney come unglued everytime I touch Nicole. I pull Nicole tight as I continue to enjoy her lips. I feel Courtney's hands caress me. She wants to be kissed too. This could lead to a trip to the bedroom. Sometimes it happens in groups, but Nicole knows when Courtney needs me to herself. I hear someone clear their throat in attempt to catch my attention. I look up to see my manager Allen Kovac with a bewildered expression on his face. I release Nicole and face him.

"I got worried when you weren't returning my phone calls." He says still in a little shock over seeing me kissing another woman with Courtney right next to me.

"I can explain. I think anyway." I blurt out.

"If you two have decided on a alternative life style. I'm ok with that. If you want to keep it out of the public eye I'm ok with that too. But Nikki don't let your career suffer. I mean I can help you with cover stories, as your manager I need to be kept in the loop. I don't need details, just enough to keep the ball rolling in the right direction." He says calmly. "I knew you were somewhat distracted, but I never thought you had an extra wife."

Yennefer who had let him in must have decided she didn't want to be left out. She gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I smirk.

"I have three wives." I admit and shrug my shoulders.

"Hey what about us?" Tom and Jason say in unison as they come into the kitchen.

"And these are my co-husbands." I groan. Jason smiles and gives Nicole a quick kiss.

I think Allen's eyes just permanently crossed. He quickly regains his calm demeanor. Well until Ruby and baby Tom shift to rough and play. Poor Allen his face goes a little pale. I pull up a chair so he can sit down. I hadn't meant for that to come out yet.

"Allen I just found out what I am a little under a year ago. I've been trying to keep it quiet so my family and pack would be safe. Please Allen you can't tell anyone." I explain.

"No of course your secrets are safe with me, you're my friend. I'm just a little in shock." He breathes in and out slowly.

"Is your arrangement normal for wolf shifters?" He asks out of curiosity.

"Yes right now polygamy is normal, but we ended up together because I got Nicole pregnant. She was betrothed to Jason. So we joined to take care of the babies. Then Yennefer and Tom joined our union. That's the simplest explanation." I answer.

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