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Claire Lewis walked into her home after a long day of work. One of the other girls that worked at the pub had called in sick so she had to pick up her night shift. The apartment was completely dark, except for the light coming from the small window in the living room. She made her way down the hallway, searching for the switch on the wall.

When she finally found it, she turned it on, expecting to find an empty living room, but instead finding 2 men conversing on her couch. She let out a loud scream causing them to look in her direction. She picked up the nearest item, which happened to be a lamp, and held it up in defense.

"What are you doing in my house?" She exclaimed, fear laced in her voice.

"Look Claire, we don't want to hurt you." the shorter one responded in an english accent.

"How do you know my name?" She asked, gripping the the lamp tighter.

"Can we please get this over with Charles?" The taller one huffed, clearly annoyed. They both looked at each other for a minute until the shorter man, Charles, looked back at her.

"Claire, I promise you if you sit down all will be explained." he told her. Claire looked like she was about to put the lamp down, but instead she lifted it up and threw it in their direction. The lamp stopped mid-air, floated, and dropped seconds later. The woman looked at the men, shock written all over her face.

"We know who you are and what you can do, so if you would just sit on the couch and let us speak." the tall man complained, obviously wanting this whole thing to be over. Claire hesitantly sat on the couch, the men following suit.

"I'm Charles Xavier and this is my friend Erik Lensherr." Charles explained, "We've heard of your mutation, and we know that with you and the help of our fellow mutants, we can defeat Sebastian Shaw."

"I'm sorry, but I don't have a clue what a mutant is, nor about a man named Sebastian Shaw," Claire started, "so if you could kindly get out my apartment, I would be extremely grateful." Sure, she was only half telling the truth, but they didn't need to know that. Both of the men looked at her in silence until Erik decided to speak.

 "Ok Charles, you heard the girl, lets go." Erik announced, walking to the door. Charles stayed seated, maintaining eye contact with Claire. When Charles looked at her she felt as though she could trust him, even if they had only just met. After a minute of eye contact, he stood up and walked to the door. Just as the men were about to walk out, the girl spoke up.

"Fine." she announced, still looking at the spot Charles had sat in. The two men turned around to look at her "I'll join you."

✫ ✫ ✫ ✫

After the plane ride from Boston to Virginia, Claire was exhausted. Neither of the men had talked to her during the 2-hour flight, choosing to converse amongst themselves instead, but Claire was still hesitant to try to sleep, hoping one of them would finally give her more information as to what was happening.

The second Claire saw the building, nerves struck in her stomach. Sure, she felt like she could trust Charles, but maybe she was too quick to accept their offer. They were really two strange men who'd broke into her apartment. As they walked into the building the nerves still hadn't settled, but Claire decided to push them down for now. Erik bid Charles a quick goodnight, obviously eager to get away.

"Would you like me to show you to your room?" were some of the first words Charles had said to her since they had left her apartment. Claire was about to speak, but it was as if her mouth wouldn't move, so she pathetically shook her head yes instead. The man proceeded down the hallway, Claire following behind him.

"This is it" Charles spoke as they finally stopped at a room, "I'm sorry I haven't given you further detail on why your here, but I promise tomorrow all will be explained. Now I'm going to leave you to it, but if you need me, my room is just down the hall."

"Okay." Claire finally said, opening the door and entering the room.

"Also," Charles started, "as justified as your nerves are, try not to ponder on them too much. I have a feeling this change of scenery will be good for you."

She stared at him for a moment, slightly confused and slightly comforted. was she truly that easy to read that he could feel her nerves?

"alright." she finally answered after a moment of silence.

"Goodnight Claire" he told, as he started to walk to his room.

"Goodnight Charles" she called, closing the door softly.

This chapter is definitely gonna be shorter than the rest because it's just the introduction.

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