Chapter 5

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Flashback - Suzuki Rena, childhood life.

"Please, I don't want her," the woman said, holding her baby.

"Are you sure, miss? She's just born..." the nurse asked, worried for the baby girl.

The woman showed an irritated face, furious of the nurse's question.

"Please... just... take this baby with you."

"I shouldn't have given birth to you, Rena."

And that's how my life began, with my biological mother not wanting me and I was an orphan my whole childhood.

No one wanted me.

No one, really.

All of my friends from the orphanage got adopted when I turned 5. I was alone since then.

The cheerful me is not my current me anymore.

I can't go back to those days where I'm a very socialized young girl with nothing to be afraid of.

Those days were already gone.

That is, when a couple decided to adopt me when I was 7.

"We would like to adopt that young girl," the male said, pointing at me while smiling.

Who? Me?

"Very well, sir. Please come this way," Miss Yui, a child caregiver in the orphanage, said while opening the door to the playground where I was.

The couple came closer to me and the male crouched to my level.

"Hello there, little girl," he said, smiling. "Are you lonely here?"

He's kind... and soft, too.

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.

He then patted my head. "Don't you worry, child. We will get you out of here and you'll have a great life, okay?"

My eyes widened. Is he really telling the truth? Am I really going to get out of here?



"T...Thank you for... adopting me," I tried my best to smile widely while not showing how bad I wanted to cry.


After long hours packing my stuff and waiting for the couple to fill in the forms that Miss Yui gave them, I finally made it to my new home.

It was just a simple ordinary house, but it's enough for me.

They are really kind to me. They even tried their best to find a perfect school for me to study. I must say, I am very grateful.

"Your new home is now here, Rena. Be a happy and good girl from now on, okay?" my foster mother said while patting my head.

I smiled widely while nodding and hugging her.

"Oh! Do you wanna go out some day? We could go shopping or go anywhere you like! I'll be sure to get everything for you!"

Little did I know, that was the first and final soft words she said to me.

They found out that I was a very smart and clever young girl from my first test results. They were very happy about it and told me to do my best from now on.

As an innocent 7-year-old kid, I followed their words.

There was one time where I didn't feel well and my test score dropped drastically.

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