The Rupshur

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The war between the Light and the Darkness raged on for millennia, since after the dawn of time. The war lasted ages with both sides losing many casualties, yet the Darkness always prevails over their adversaries on every battle. From all their battles the Darkness has grown too powerful to such an extent that they almost completely destroyed The Light and their allies. The Light nearly lost hope and the ones who sided with them did too lost hope.

In past time, the Light created a being that will enact as its agent. This being was neither an Angel nor Celestial, but an Ethereal. By some, it was called The Wrathful One, but by many it was called, The Ethereal of Vengeance.

"Soul or no soul, divine or immortal, nothing can withstand my fiery hold. My flames shall eradicate their being and will never resume their endeavoring. I will have vengeance and evil shall have their punishments. While, evil can escape my grasp, but evil will never escape my wrath."

These were the first words the Spirit had spoken when this wrathful being presented itself unto the Darkness. For the first time in millennia, the Darkness felt fear of this Spirit. Its existence helped turn the tides of the war and became a worthy ally of the Light.

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