Chapter 4

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Hey!!! Sorry for not publishing for a long time. I had school. Enjoy! :)

Emma instantly called the police in hopes of finding help. Soon the police arrived, they took the body and examined every inch and decided it was not sure if it is Charlotte Lake's body since Emma had no proof that she was murdered. Emma, tired, sad, and angry left the hills and walked back to her house to think. Emma decided to have a shower, change, and go to sleep. During her sleep there were noises coming from the attic, Emma tried to ignore it, but it became louder and more persistent. Emma groaned and removed the blanket and walked up the stairs to the attic. She opened the door and looked inside; a few boxes were moved but below one of the boxes was a loose floorboard. Emma moved the box and knelt to remove the floorboard. She opened it to reveal the missing picture from Charlotte's locket and Emma could not believe who the murderer was, it was her own father! The picture revealed both Charlotte and her father sitting together, Emma looked down at the loose floorboard to see if there was any more evidence of the murder. In the far corner Emma found a bundle of envelopes tied up with a pink ribbon, she read every single letter but the last of them made a deep connection to Charlotte's murder it read:

Dear William,

Yes, I do agree, I'm free tonight so I do not mind. I will see you at il nostro posto.


Charlotte Lake

That's a wrap for Chapter 4!! I hope you liked it!!!\


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