Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Coffee Girl

Selene Ramirez sat quietly at her desk, clutching a cold cup of coffee that wasn't even hers. Around her, the office buzzed with life—designers arguing over fabrics, sketching on tablets, and tossing around ideas as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

None of them paid her any attention. To them, she was invisible.

She glanced at her phone as a familiar feeling of longing washed over her. She could picture her room, cozy and welcoming, where she could lose herself in the pages of her latest dark romance novel. Just last night, she had stayed up late reading 'The Tyrant's Child', captivated by the love story of Rosalind and King Alaric. The thought of curling up in her bed with the book made her heart ache.

"Ramirez! Don't forget to get my oat latte," came a snide voice from across the room.

Selene flinched but didn't respond. Of course, she wouldn't forget. She never did. The endless coffee runs, the errands that no one else wanted to do—those were her duties, even though her title wasn't "assistant" but "junior designer." Not that it mattered. She'd never even had the chance to touch a design project.

Another voice called out from somewhere else in the office, mocking her in that familiar, condescending tone.

"Seriously, how hard is it to remember our orders?"

Her stomach tightened, but she remained silent, her face blank as she nodded and grabbed her notebook, jotting down the demands. Every day was the same. Coffee runs, mindless tasks, and biting her tongue while the others got to live the life she had dreamed of when she graduated with her fashion degree. But none of her designs had been noticed—worse, some had even been stolen and passed off as someone else's work.

Selene took a deep breath, forcing herself to push aside the disappointment. She could already envision the sanctuary of her room, where she could finally immerse herself in the story that brought her comfort. With a resigned sigh, she stood up and collected everyone's money, preparing to buy their coffee.

She adjusted her glasses, feeling the familiar weight of their judgmental stares as she made her way through the bustling office. Each step felt heavy, but she had become accustomed to the routine. The errands were part of her role, even if it often felt more like servitude than employment.

With her notebook tucked under her arm and the money clutched tightly in her hand, she headed out the door, mentally calculating the quickest route to the café. She couldn't help but think of the characters waiting for her back home, their lives unfolding in ways she wished her own could.

Selene took off toward the café, opting to run instead of taking a cab. She didn't have extra money for herself if she ever took a cab, so she sprinted down the street, her heart racing as her breath came in quick gasps. The sun beat down on her, and soon she was sweating, but the thought of being first in line spurred her on.

When she finally arrived at the café, she skidded to a stop, catching her breath as she quickly lined up at the counter. The familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee filled her lungs, a small comfort amid the chaos of her day. She was grateful to have made it ahead of the others, and her determination to fulfill their orders fueled her excitement.

Selene pulled out her notebook, glancing at the list of drinks she had scribbled down. "Hi! I'm here to place an order," she said, her voice barely above a whisper but firm enough to be heard over the chatter of the café.

The barista, a young woman with brightly colored hair and a friendly smile, looked up from behind the counter. "Sure! What can I get for you?"

Selene took a deep breath, trying to remember the orders. "Okay, um... I need one oat latte for Mia, a caramel macchiato for Josh, a black coffee for Lisa, and a vanilla chai for Tom," she said, her voice gaining confidence as she went.

The barista nodded, jotting down the orders. "Got it! Anything else?"

Selene hesitated, the thought of adding something for herself flickering in her mind before she shook it off. "No, that's it, thanks!"

"Alright! That'll be $22.50," the barista replied, ringing up the orders.

Selene quickly counted the cash she had collected from her coworkers, feeling a rush of relief as she handed over the exact amount. "Here you go!"

"Perfect! Your drinks will be ready shortly," the barista said with a smile, turning to start on the orders.

As Selene stood at the counter, she felt the adrenaline from her sprint begin to fade, leaving her slightly lightheaded. The café was buzzing with activity—customers chatting, coffee grinding, and the sound of steaming milk filling the air. She glanced around, noting the groups of friends enjoying their drinks, laughter echoing around her.

For a moment, envy washed over her. She wished she could be part of that world—able to chat and laugh over coffee, rather than being the one who served them. But that thought was fleeting. After a few minutes, her order was finally ready.


The barista's voice pulled her back to reality, and she turned to see the girl sliding a tray of drinks toward her. "Here you go! One oat latte, one caramel macchiato, one black coffee, and one vanilla chai. Enjoy!"

"Thank you!" Selene said, a bit too enthusiastically. She grabbed the carton tray, balancing it carefully, and made her way out of the café.

The sun beat down on her again as she headed back to the office, the drinks warm and comforting in her hands. She ran the busy street, weaving through pedestrians while her mind raced with thoughts of what she would do once she returned home.

As soon as she arrived back at the office, she felt a slight pang of disappointment as the reality of her surroundings hit her. The chatter and clamor of the design studio seemed louder now, and she steeled herself for the inevitable complaints about the drinks.

"About time, Ramirez!" someone shouted as she entered. "Did you stop for a leisurely stroll?"

Selene forced a smile and placed the tray down on the table. "Here are your drinks," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "Enjoy."

As the others grabbed their orders, she noticed Mia roll her eyes at the sight of her oat latte. "You really need to learn how to get the orders right, you know. This isn't even the right size!"

"I'm sorry," Selene mumbled, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. "I—I'll remember for next time."

"Whatever," Mia scoffed, turning away.

Selene took a deep breath with her heart sinking. She was used to the snide comments, but it never got easier. As she retreated to her desk, she reminded herself that it was all temporary. Soon, she would be back in her sanctuary, the pages of her book waiting for her.

As the day dragged on, she fought to focus on her tasks, but her thoughts kept drifting back to the comfort of her room, to her books and the characters who understood her far better than the people in the office ever could. All she had to do was survive until the end of the day.

Finally, the clock ticked closer to quitting time, and Selene felt a rush of excitement. Just a few more minutes, and she could escape the office and dive back into her beloved story.

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