Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: I've got you now

Alaric's eyebrow twitched at Isaac's last comment, his irritation only growing. "An exception, is it?" he muttered under his breath, barely audible, yet enough for Isaac to catch the drift. There was a competitive edge creeping into their usual banter, something unspoken that Alaric couldn't quite name but felt in the pit of his stomach.

Isaac who noticed the subtle shift in his friend's demeanor, chose to let it pass. "Well, she's certainly intriguing," he said thoughtfully, his eyes following Amaris as she disappeared around the corner. "There's more to her than meets the eye."

Alaric scoffed, folding his arms across his chest. "Intriguing is one way to put it. Reckless, insolent—those are others." His voice dripped with uncharacteristic frustration.

Isaac chuckled softly, shaking his head. "You're overreacting, Alaric. It's not like she's plotting against the crown. She's just..." He paused, as though searching for the right word. "...different. In a good way."

Alaric remained silent, though his gaze darkened slightly. He didn't like the idea of Amaris being "different" in Isaac's eyes—or anyone else's, for that matter. But why it bothered him, he still couldn't bring himself to admit.

"Let's leave the matter of maids aside for now, shall we?" Isaac suggested with a grin, sensing that pushing further would only fan the flames of Alaric's agitation.

The king gave a small, reluctant nod, though his mind was far from settled. Something about Amaris stirred feelings he hadn't anticipated—feelings that confused him as much as they irritated him.

As they turned to walk back to the castle, the courtyard once again peaceful in their absence, the quiet lingered between them. Neither spoke, but both carried their own thoughts. Alaric found himself gripped by a strange sense of possession over someone who was, by all accounts, merely a servant. Isaac, on the other hand, wondered just what kind of woman could leave such an impression on both war brothers—and, it seemed, the king himself.

Meanwhile, Amaris came running through the corridors, her heart racing with excitement as she searched for Rosalind. Her skirts billowed behind her, and a wide grin spread across her face as she finally spotted her friend tending to the maze garden, meticulously trimming the hedges. Amaris could hardly contain herself as she called out to her, her voice high-pitched with excitement. "Rosalind! I found hiiiim!"

Rosalind, startled by the sudden outburst, turned and raised an eyebrow, but couldn't help but smile at Amaris' infectious enthusiasm. "Found who, Amaris?" she asked, a hint of laughter in her voice. "You seem... incredibly happy."

Amaris could barely stand still, practically bouncing on her toes, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of mischief and excitement. "I found the man who's going to save you from this place!" she declared, her words brimming with pride as if she had just uncovered the greatest treasure in the world.

Rosalind froze mid-motion, her pruning shears hovering over the hedge. Her heart skipped a beat at the mention of being saved, her mind racing through the possibilities. Was it a long-lost relative? Some secret ally sent to free her? Her chest tightened with a sudden rush of hope. "Wait, what? Who? Is it a relative of mine?" she asked, her voice a mix of alarm and anticipation.

Amaris shook her head fervently, her curls bouncing around her face. "Nope!" she responded with a gleeful grin, her excitement only growing. She stepped closer to Rosalind, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper, as though she was sharing the grandest secret. "But he's going to be your husband!"

Rosalind blinked, utterly taken aback, her mind struggling to keep up with Amaris' words. "My... husband?" she echoed, completely bewildered. She stared at her friend, trying to process the bold statement. "Amaris, what are you talking about?"

Amaris clasped her hands together and sighed dreamily. "I'm telling you, Rosalind, I found the perfect man! He's kind, he's handsome, and he's the one who'll take you far away from this place," she insisted, her eyes shining with conviction.

Rosalind, still grappling with confusion, couldn't help but laugh, albeit nervously. "Amaris, you can't be serious. Who is this mysterious man, and how are you so sure he's my... future husband?"

Amaris gave a knowing smile and winked. "Trust me, Rosalind. You'll see soon enough. He's perfect for you, I just know it!"

"I couldn't possibly be marrying someone, and you know that." Rosalind's voice softened, her excitement giving way to a more somber tone. "I've debts to pay, Amaris. I'll be serving the king for the rest of my life to settle them." Her shoulders drooped as the weight of her words sunk in.

Amaris, who had been bubbling with enthusiasm moments before, now quieted, her excitement dimmed by Rosalind's melancholy. "I... I'm sorry, Rosalind," she said gently. "But don't you think it's wrong for you to be slaving away for something that wasn't even your fault to begin with?"

Rosalind sighed, her gaze lowering. "Fair or not, it's the hand I've been dealt." She knew Amaris only meant well, always hoping for something better, something brighter, but the truth weighed on them both. Their lives were bound to the king's will, and one misstep could turn things from bad to worse.

Amaris's bright expression faded instantly. Her shoulders slumped as if the burden of Rosalind's words had knocked the wind out of her. Like a scolded puppy, she slowly stood up with her head down and her once giddy energy has now become a distant memory. She shuffled away quietly, her steps heavy with disappointment. As she mumbled under her breath, her lips pouted, she unknowingly wandered into the palace training ground, where a group of men practiced various war strategies.

"What are you doing here, my lady?" a young man's voice interrupted her thoughts. Amaris abruptly looked up, squinting against the sunlight that suddenly flooded her hazel eyes, making her flinch. 

The young, concerned squire immediately noticed her discomfort. "Oh, are you alright? Let me see," he offered, concern creasing his brow as he gently took her face in his rough hands, oblivious to the norms of gentlemanly conduct.

He chuckled softly, brushing his thumb across her cheek to wipe away the tears that had begun to fall. "What brought you here?" he asked, blowing softly into her eyes to ease the sting.

However, their encounter did not go unnoticed. From a distance, Alaric and Isaac stood on the sidelines, eyes narrowed and brows furrowed in alarm. They had come to the training ground to observe the progress of the future army but found themselves witnessing the scene unfolding before them. Alaric's irritation simmered just below the surface, while Isaac's curiosity piqued. 

The moment the Knight Commander caught sight of the king and the duke, he instantly straightened. His posture commanded immediate respect. With a sharp voice that rang across the training ground, he bellowed, "Attention! His Majesty, the King, and His Grace, the Duke, are in our presence! Show your respect!" Instantly, every soldier, including the young squire standing close to Amaris, snapped to attention and headed into their lined positions.

Amaris stood frozen, her heart racing in response to the sudden shift in atmosphere. The commanding presence of the king and duke left her feeling both nervous and shocked, her previous interactions with the squire momentarily forgotten.

Alaric, ever the mischief-maker despite his royal duties, couldn't resist the temptation to tease her, if only for a moment to get back at her insolence earlier. With a subtle grin tugging at the corners of his lips, he pointed in Amaris's direction, his voice booming with authority. "You there! Don't move!"

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