The oath

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The hospital was a place full of medical offices. Anyone who entered there knew that he will soon get rid of any disease. But the medical office where Kasumi woke up was no ordinary one. It was the prison hospital. She had different bandages on her head. It was a place with gray walls. Sometimes you could see a spot of white lime on a wall. Kasumi snuck out of the hospital. She hurried home, but the place was deserted. She looked for Annie, but she was nowhere to be found. She opened the laptop. She was having a conversation with a friend Casey. At that moment, Casey gave a message: "Are you okay?" You haven't been to kindergarten in three days, what's going on? I'm a little worried, please call me! "Kasumi felt a terrible panic. She wanted to call her mother, but in vain. She entered Annie's room. Kasumi froze. On the wall was written: I see you!Immediately someone rang the doorbell. Kasumi opened quickly. It was a package. Kasumi took. After tearing it up, she saw that in it was a bouquet of white roses with red spots on them and a piece of paper. Strange. Who would have given her white roses? "On the paper she wrote:Kasumi, I'm sorry I wasted my time trying to kill you, so I'll leave you alone to take care of your business! But, poor Annie, well she's coming out of game ! She had to go to sleep! Do not worry! You'll be fine! Evreybody will be fine!SlenderMan. Kasumi threw away the paper. Her skin was at that point as white as the milk. She began to tremble. She saw in the packege her knife. She took it and ran to cymitery. On the way, she saw a poster. Pictures of her and many warning signs appeared on it. Kasumi knew she was being seen killing children. She continued on her way. It was night. She arrived at the cemetery. Seeing Annie's and her mother's grave, with black flowers and a knife full with blood, she let out a loud scream. She broke all the graves out there, exept her mother's and sister's. She fell down and began to cry. Slendrina appeared next to her. -It's my fault. If I hadn't given you the ring, none of this would have happened.Kasumi said upside down:-It's not your fault...She looked up. She had a look full of terror and anger. She said softly in an irritated voice:-It's his fault !! He killed Annie and my mother! HE TAKEN EVERYTHING I HAD !!! It destroyed my only happiness: Family! Forgive me Slendrina, but he won't escape! I will not let him escape! I will not leave this world until I see him DEAD !!!!!

She teleported to the roof where she fought with Slenderman. She looked forrroad. She wasn't seeing the world beautiful anymore. She saw it miserable, cruel. She looked at her ring. She saw her reflection. She put her hand at her right eye. She removed the hair. She looked at her disgusting eye. She loved her new look. She took her knife and went to her house. She went to the kitchen and saw a bottle of vodka. She took it. She took away the cover, and drank it all. Then, she teleported to a field full of some plants. Kasumi took al lot of them and made them drugs. She took them all, went to the bed, and waited for the death to come. It was the last time she was seen...

Butsome say she is still alive, trying tolook for Slenderman in the forest and kill him. She felt pain again, very, verymuch pain. She started killing children again. She killed especially those whoseemed to be happy.  But it was only 1 exeption: Natalie. She was the only girl who wasn't toxic, and many people think that Kasumi and Natalie( also known as Clockwork) are still friends. Going crazy more and more, she felt boundless joy when shesaw others die. As for Kad, she became famous because she met Kasumi Anderssen.But Kad was no longer the same. She felt like her days were over. Every nightshe saw Kasumi, her face pale and sad, with the bloody dagger in her hands. Shedidn't even have the strength to look out the window, she knew she would die ifshe ever saw her face again. She also passed away not long after, as did herfamily, her colleagues and whoever she knew. Whoever was so unlucky to becomeone of her victims could see her shadow, her face, and sometimes her right eye. He would get lots of visions of her, and. He would went crazy and realized that he no longer had a social life anymore.When the time was right, Kasumi fed on his soul and made his body disappear.  And, when she is bored, she only gave them drugs and poison.  Kasumi thought that if she could never be happy, then no one should be...

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