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"sit here and love me"


"Harry someone left this flowers and card for you ,and from when you started hiding things from? you've a boyfriend and you didn't tell me"
Ronald said while handing him the flowers ,and that smile never leaving his face.Maybe finally his harry is doing something for himself he couldn't ask for more.

A frown appears on curly's face who'll send him flowers? he don't have any friends or any relatives then who?

"I don't have any boyfriend dad, and I think it is delivered on wrong address"
He said while going through the card which has his name on it with a lots of small hearts, like some five year old boy has send him a valentine card.

"No see it's written very clearly that this is for harry styles ,and I think there's someone who's ready to take you away from me."

Harry gave him an angry expression which says no one will take me away from you, and Ronald just smiled at his childish behaviour.

"I won't marry anyone  dad and if someone wants to marry me then we all will live in same house.I don't want to be away from you"

"We'll see, now go and open this present and please be kind with that person."


"Do you think he'll like----"

"Omg zayn for the billionth time he'll love that presents don't worry,and if not then we'll plan something else. Be brave broh"

"I know dan, I just you don't understand cause you're not in love with someone"
Zayn said while pacing in his room he's nervous as hell.He don't want to eat, don't want to sleep, nothing just harry.His mind is playing game with him he don't know why but he sees harry everywhere, in his mirror,his bathroom,his kitchen, he sees harry in his papers , diaries books and sometimes he thinks dan is harry.

Due to all these events dan told him you should consult a psychiatrist cause you're going crazy.

After gaining some courage he decided he'll send him some flowers cause according to dan it is the first step a lover should take.
They made a beautiful card which Zayn thought is very childish instead he should buy him something expensive, but then again hand-made gifts are more romantic so yeah.

"I know I'm not in love mr.zayn but trust me your barry will love that card and flowers ,but please don't behave like a statue in front of him try to talk then only you can ask him for a date or anything."

"But I don't know when he's around  I forget how to talk, I couldn't see anything except his face .I just want him to love me nothing else."

Dan started facepalming himself ,he couldn't believe that he's his boss who is hard as stone for everyone and now just for a boy he's behaving like small child who's afraid of his every single step.

"I know zayn but if you want him to love you,you've to talk without talking you can't do anything. "

Zayn muttered a small "you don't know"and again started pacing in his room while smoke rings leaving his mouth.


Actually dan told me write this letter and send  this gift to you cause according to him then only you'll love me.

Will you love me harry.Cause I love you so much and I know you think I can't, but I do .You live in my eyes now.

I've watched almost all the romantic movies in few days ,so that I can impress you but to be honest those things are really very chessy, but if you want then I'll do anything for you.

You owns me harry styles ,and you can do anything to me except not loving me. I need your love and you.

Dan told me to ask you for a date ,but when you're around me I don't know how to talk cause you're very very pretty ,beautiful and Gorgeous all the words are less to describe your beauty.

The only thing that I'm sure in my life now is that I love you more than anything and anyone.

I'm yours, please be mine.

"You can't love me mr.zayn"
He whispered while wiping his tears ,and kept that letter under his pillow with a sad smile.


"Dan he didn't replied yet, it's been two days do you think he hate me now? I told you this letter thing is shit "

"Zayn maybe he is busy in something or he's shy shy to talk yo----"

"Busy in what? Atleast he should've replied me  like anything but he didn't. I'm really worried, I can't bear this distance anymore .I need him "
Zayn said while taking his car keys and jacket and when dan tried to stop him ,saying that it maybe a very wrong step .zayn gave him a look which says I'm dying from inside ,I need to see him.

Second thing..

I want to drench myself in first rain.And I want to spend a night on beach with my love...


"Meet me somewhere where there's no time"

Comments please ❤️
Lots of love.

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