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(Alex's POV)

My motto is " Life is all about fun" meaning that we should just do whatever we want and shouldn't let others hold us back, I have stuck to that motto which is why I've flunked so many classes and this one will be no different, I just got kicked out of the last class I was in because I drove the teacher crazy. 

Today Im starting a new class which I will probably get kicked out of as well. I walk in and start to look around to see who I could possibly be friends with I mostly see emos, gays, ghetto girls, and ghetto boys. As I am looking around I see someone in the corner of the room. Who is that? " Class this is Alexander, please introduce yourself to the class" "Hey yall, my name Is Alexander but you can call me Alex or Xander I can't wait to become friends with yall and I hope we can all be chill"."Ok Alex, you are going to be sitting over there by Wayne" So his name is Wayne, huh, he must be the class loner or maybe he doesn't have any friends In this class. 

I take a seat and glance over at him he has his head down and you can practically feel the boredness radiating off of him. I should talk to him, as I am about to open my mouth I hear faint snoring coming from where he is sitting. Oh, he must be asleep that's ok ill talk to him later. Several minutes pass and I hear the bell I grab my stuff and instead of leaving to go to the next class I watch him, mostly out of curiosity. Call me a stalker if you want but there is something about him that intrigues me, normally I could care less the class loner usually they're alone because no one likes them or they want attention, basically, no one likes them, so it's a bit out of the norm for me to be stalking one.

 I watch him during each class to see if he has any friends, class after class I see him with his head down not talking to anyone. Ok then maybe he doesn't have any friends I'm still not sure though, so I wait until he goes to lunch and follow him in. I look around and see him sitting at an empty table poking what they try to pass off as cafeteria food. Damn he really is alone, I walk over to the table he is sitting at and sit across from him, He looks up from his plate and watches me with eyes that are full of disgust. 

Damn ok I just met you and you're already judging me, I shrug those thoughts away and introduce myself. "Hi, My name is Alex, although I'm sure you already knew that what's yours?" He looks at me for a few seconds and then mumbles"Wayne". No wonder this kid doesn't have any friends he can barely even say his name is he just shy or does he hate everyone?. " Haha ok Wayne nice to meet you tell me about yourself," He says nothing and continues poking at his food  I could feel annoyance creeping up but I ignore it and keep pushing 

" Ok, so your not the talkative type that's fine, I'll tell you about myself,  I am 16, My favorite color is a blackish-blue, my favorite food is my moms Pozole de Pollo o Guajolote, it's a Mexican stew, hmm what else, um my hobbies are playing video games and eating and my favorite show is Defend on Midget and I know what you're thinking "Anime is for kids" but it's a really good show." 

He continues to say nothing still staring at his plate, " Ha, ok I went so now you gotta tell me about yourself like what's your favorite food?" Silence " Ok I'll guess it then, is it Pizza? Burgers? Tacos? Cake? Icecream? Lasagna? Cheese? Spaghetti? c'mon give me a hint, please?" Damn it why won't this boy talk its been 15 minutes and the only thing he's said is his name I continue to guess, he still doesn't answer until finally, the bell rings "Welp I'll figure it out someday, see you around Wayne". I need to find a way to get him to talk, this will be interesting.

A/N: Hey guys I hope you like this chapter, for those of you wondering Pozole de Pollo o Guajolote is a Mexican stew usually made with Chicken and Chickpeas.

J.A.W.Z Of Love (Wayne and Alex's Story)Where stories live. Discover now