Nice to meet you

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(Alex's POV)

Every since that Incident in the Nurses office I've actually been looking forward to school. Wayne has been telling me things about himself like what his favorite things are, those may seem like little things but they're big to me.  So far I learned that he's 17, his birthday is on April 16, his favorite color is red and his hobbies include playing video games and watching movies. 

I asked him what makes him laugh besides watching people get hurt but he just shrugged and says he doesn't really laugh often so he wouldn't know. Im happy that he's become a little more open even if he looks like he's about to throw up when he's forced to answer my questions. "Hey, Wayne do you have a cell phone?" He looks up from his textbook " Yeah I do, why?" I take a deep breath as I initiate the next part of my plan

 "Well, I was just wondering if I could have your number?" "No." He looks back down at his textbook. Wow, he didn't even have to think about it. "Why?" He sighs "Because I don't feel like it." 

"So should I give you my number instead?" 

"Do what you want, it's not like I'll use it."   

"Yeah I know that's why I want your number, give me one good reason why you shouldn't give it to me." He rolls his eyes and sighs as if it isn't already obvious why he won't. " If I do give you my number you'll just send me dumb pictures and videos besides what could we possibly have to talk about?" He does have a point we don't have a lot to talk about in person it would be even harder to talk about stuff over text and he's also right about me sending him weird pictures and videos.

 "Yeah but how else are you supposed to know when I go to sleep so you can send me a goodnight text?" I say while putting on my best puppy dog face. It clearly doesn't work because he just looks at me like I have rats in my hair. "Knowing you, you'll just come to school the next morning telling me what time you went to sleep." 

"That's true but how are you supposed to wish me goodnight?"  At this point, he looks like he wants to hurl his book at me instead he just takes out a piece of paper and scribbles something on it. I watch patiently, when he's done he hands it to me. I look at it and smile, he drew a text bubble with the words good night on it, I can't help but laugh at how adorable it is. "There, you can just look at it when you're about to go to sleep it's practically the same thing." He turns back to his book. " Haha thanks I'll be sure you use it, still doesn't change the fact that I want your number." He doesn't respond. Alright Wayne I see how it is but I'll get your number no matter what. 

The class ends and I go to my next one. I sit down at my desk and think about what I can do to get Wayne to give me his number as I'm considering my options I feel someone poke me in the shoulder. I turn to see a guy about my age with blonde hair. " Hey, you're Alex right?" "Yeah who are you?" He smiles and I don't know why I never noticed him before, a smile like his could probably power an entire city, he's not bad looking either. "Im Evan, nice to meet you!"  

A/N: Hey! Normally I would have some sort of excuse for why I haven't written in a while but I'm too lazy to come up with one. Anyway sorry for taking so long this chapter is a little shorter than the others. What do yall think of the new Character? He's kinda... 😏. I hope y'all liked this chapter. I'll try my best to update it every week. Thank you for reading J.A.W.Z of Love (Wayne and Alex's Story)!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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