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Dream's pov:

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning by accident. I didn't plan on waking up this early. I got up, got ready for the day, made my way to the kitchen and prepared some cereal.Then after my breakfast I fed patches. Then after that I was bored. Nick was still asleep and he didn't even bother to ask Karl since he was also asleep.

After a while it was 7:30. Is time really that slow right now. Then I thought."What if I ask George and Quackity to hang out with Sapnap, me and Karl. So we could know each other better. While I was thinking George came down the stairs and sat on the couch. He looked exhausted.

"Hey" he mumbles.

"Good morning!" I say with a smile.

"I'm boreddddd!" He complains.

"You barely had breakfast and your already bored?" I ask.

"Yes" he mumbles while crossing his arms.

"um..Do you want to hangout with Sapnap, Karl and Quackity later?" I ask.

"ofc I do!" He says turning his frown into a smile.

He then walks up to the kitchen and makes himself some toast. He walks up to me and sits on the couch again.

"Do you wanna watch a movie with me?" He asks.

"sure! Why not?" I say.

He then grabs the remote, logs into his Netflix and asks me to pick a movie. I asked him if he wanted to watch a sad movie or something.

"A sad movie this early morning?" He asks.

"Orr do you want to watch comedy?" I ask.

"comedy sounds good." He says with a smile.

"comedy it is." I say picking a movie.

The next couple hours we were watching Netflix together. I started to feel like George was a fun person to talk to. Then he asked me this weird question.

"Where did you get that yellow bracelet?" He asks.

"yellow?" I ask confused. I then look at my wrist and laugh.

"It's a green bracelet my sister made me few months ago. I say.

"Green?!" He asks genuinely shocked. "Oh gosh, Sorry I'm actually colorblind" he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Colorblind?!" I ask.

"yeah I am colorblind!" He says laughing.

"I guess it's a new fact I get to know about you!" I say laughing as well.

After a bit of talking I ask George when he wanted to hangout with me and the others.

"It depends on when they're available, cause I don't mind." He says with a cheerful tone.

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