Family Time

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Third person:

It was a Friday night, George and Quackity were getting ready for bed. Sam and Ponk (a.k.a their mother) then calls them downstairs. Right after they had changed the both of them ran downstairs as fast as they could.

George's pov:

Quackity and I ran downstairs as quickly as possible. We then enter the living room. It was a family thing that every Friday we would have some family time all together. We would watch movies, have karaoke nights we would even just sleep in the living room all together. Just me, Quackity, Dad, and Mom. Quackity then asks Dad (a.k.a awesamdude) if we could just watch a movie tonight since it was getting late. I agreed since I also didn't want to do anything else.

Quackity's pov:

We then watched a couple movies until we all fell asleep on the couch together. It was honestly really fun. I really wished we didn't have to move to college. George and I never even wanted to leave Dad and Mom we just wanted to stay here with them. But NO we had no choice. We now had to move to college next week so we wanted to spend the most time together as possible.

Third person:

The next morning Quackity woke up to the sun slightly shining on him. Quackity then checked his phone to see what time it was. It was currently 7:30 in the morning not bad. Quackity then gets up and goes straight into the shower to get ready. While Quackity was in thee shower George wakes up. He gets up and goes straight into his room to get ready for the day. After the both of them got ready they went down for breakfast. Mom made us some pancakes while Dad was having his morning coffee.

George's pov:

After breakfast Mom and Dad wanted to help us pack up for college. We told them we would leave next week but then they looked at Quackity and I and told us that the school called and said that we were to be leaving tomorrow because of the schedules. Quackity and I looked at each other and sighed. What could we do. We then started packing. Dad was helping Alex while Mom was helping me.

"Mom?" I ask

"Yes George?" he replies

"Do we really need to go?" I ask.

"Sadly, but it's for your own good" he adds

I frown

"Don't worry we have plenty of time to pack and you can come visit anytime!" Ponk says.

"I know mom but what if Alex and I aren't roommates?" I ask

"Then make use of your time" Ponk adds.

We then continue to pack. After we had finished packing I open my phone with 5 missed calls from bad. I then call him and ask him what was wrong. He told me that he just wanted someone to talk to. I smirked and asked "what about skeppy?" He then hangs up and calls skeppy immediately. I honestly didn't think he would take it seriously, but I guess I was wrong.

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