What to do about nothing....

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   My heat was pounding like crazy. I was frozen and wide eyed. Dylan's face grew closer and closer. There was no getting out of this , I was pinned against the wall and I didn't want out.  

   Out lips meet.... my first kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist and mine found their was around his neck. Me being a total idiot I did nothing... I didn't know what to do. So I just let him take care of that. Then he backed away. I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back but not for long. His expression changed quickly into a stern serious look. 

   " I should not have done that." He scratched the back of his head " I didn't mean to... I mean I meant to but... arggg."

   " But you like someone else?"

    " Yeah...."

   " I get it." I thought back to all the boys I had liked over the past month.

   " I'm sorry."

   " Its fine."

   " Its not fine I feel like a dick now."

   " Your not."

   There was an intense silence between us. I gave him a playful punch on the arm.

   " Well congrats.... you got my first kiss." 

   He looked at me awestruck ed.

   " That was your first kiss???"

   " Yeah...."

   " Your lying."

   " Nope."

   "Ohhhh.... that makes it so much worse!!!" 

   " Great.... " I thought " bad bad choice of words..."

   " Urggg.... I'm sorry...."

   " Stop apologizing. You did nothing." I looked him in the eyes.

    " Stop looking at me it just makes me want to kiss you more."

   " Ok ok. " I laughed while jokingly turning around then facing him again.

    I looked at him while he buried his face in his hands. I walked in front of him and hugged him. He hugged back. I looked up at him. Now it was my turn. I wraped my right arm around his neack and pulled him down into me. He knew what I was doing before I even did it. He pulled me in and once again we shared a kiss. At this point I knew what to do. This time it was sweeter and slower. Until we pulled away, but stayed hugging.

   " So first kiss?"

   " Yeah...."

   " I would have never guessed."

   " Why not?"

   " Cuz your pretty... I would have expected guys to be all over you."

   " They are... I'm just not all over them." He laughed.

   " So your all over me?"

   " Naw your just really cute." I teased, he laughed and kissed my forehead.

   "  Huuhhhh..... I'm still sorry. I just really like that other girl."

    " Yeah... that's why I broke up with my ex-."

   " Aha! So you have kissed before!"

   " Naw it was long distance."

   " Lire." 

   "Ha... your the lire here!"

   " Ohhh... that hurts...."

We laughed... but unfortunately all hood things come to and end and he had to attempt to got to class and I had to go to lunch. We shared once last hug.

   " You gonna be okay?" He asked not letting go of the hug.

   " Yeah. I'm fine."

   " ...Ummmmm"

   " Look at me.... do I look hurt?" I smiled up at him.

    " No.... but later....."

   " Ill be fine!!!"

   " Okay okay..... Ill see you later." For the last time he kissed my forehead and made his way upsatirs and I downstairs. In my mind I ran up to him and kissed him one last time... but he had made it clear that he liked someone eals... and the kiss was nothing. And what can I do about nothing? Well..... nothing. And that was exactly what I was going to do ..... nothing.

I when downstairs to go look for Sora and tell her everything as best friends would do but I couldn't find her, so I decided to tell her next period. I sat  next to my class mates in the lunch room. That was when it really hit me. With any other guy I would get over it two seconds later..... but he was my first kiss and it was there that I realized that all the guys I ever said I like..... I never really liked. I had only actually liked Dylan.... and now I know for sure that i had no hope pf ever getting with him. He liked someone else and I wasnt the type of gorl to infringe on that. If he was happy I was happy, that's the way I saw it.And like I said everything thats just happened was nothing..... and what can I do about nothing?


 True story bro. Yeah............ extremely painful true story.....* Cries in coroner*

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