battleground of love

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Chapter. 01


I know it was june 27 after completing secondary education aarav come to city from small town for higher education.

Tht day was normal until he saw kaithy that was first time when he saw kaithy.

But he didn't reacted it was normal for him. he just ignored and go ahead after that he meet kairan and peter , Peter was kinda annoying. but kairan was so kind and clever so he decided to seat with kairan.

Days passed kairan and aarav become true best friend

They use to travel together daily in some days kairan fall in love with rosie but Rosie's nature was so decent study was her first priority but kairan was still trying to talk with her.
kairan tried to give her lift till class but she refuse always.

Kairan's love for Rosie she didn't understand n kairan keep loving her one-sided n didn't ask her about relationship and they become good friends.

After that aarav had no idea that his life will totally change.
kaithy entered in class in red dress aarav look her and just ignored as normal but kairan was full on prank mood. kairan said aarav I think she like you. you must talk her but aarav said no ways buddy she is not my type i am so simple and her choice is not that dumb
aarav ignored in front of kairan.

Kairan was sure that he planted a tree in aarav's mind about kaithy from that day aarav started staring kaithy.

In few days he come to know about Jaden. jaden was kaithy's x that time aarav fell so down for confirm aarav written jaden name on class board and start observing kaithy's reaction.

That time kaithy was so angry and coincidence lecturer enter in and saw jaden name at board and start asking all students tht who written this n who's name it is. aarav was so cam like he didn't know about it anything.

Aarav got confirm that kaithy's x was jaden.

Before few days aarav heard tht kaithy said his one of friend that aarav is so different like abnormal.
because mostly he seat alone every where . but aarav's nature was like that mostly he was preferring to stay alone.

There was small speech quizz in class all gave there speeches now it was aarav's ture aarav confidentiality come front. n start his speech like how hi come till here and about his family n all then he look at kaithy and he remember tht word abnormal and then speech words change. aarav said everything like how people gave him trouble and what other call him like abnormal and all but aarav didn't said name till end and aarav had a seat n his class mate's were start asking him the name aarav look at kaithy n said leave it doesn't matter.

After that day aarav was alone in classroom.

Amanda entered she was unknown for aarav. Amanda asked aarav do I have a mobile I wanna call it's urgent. aarav gave her mobile n after finish her talk she saw that aarav was sketching something. Amanda start conversation ab sketches and all she asked aarav please can u sketch my portrait.

Kaithy entered in class and aarav come to know that Amanda was kaithy's cousin sister she ask kaithy why u were saying tht aarav is abnormal and kinda different. I don't think so he so sweet n kind he just doesn't like to be in group he just love to be alone.

Aarav heard tht n started thinking in mind how to go close kaithy and start conversation

Aarav planted a tree ab fake story he start speeding Rumors that aarav's mother belong to same culture that kaithy belong to.

The rumor tree was growing day by day, after that day aarav meet onik. onik was kaithy's brother.
aarav start asking onik do u kne her like she is kindda different girl aarav know that onik was kaithy's brother but he was showing that he is unknown about them
aarav n oink both become friends n in few days then oink said that she is my sister then aarav said I know I were observing ur reaction.
oink was shocked when is heard aarav's answer.

Aarav was trying n trying to propose n achieve kaithy's love but his way was wrong.
aarav and kaithy come close but aarav was just a friend for kaithy nothing more than that. aarav and kaithy started conversation on call and text day by day aarav was going deep and deep and serious about kaithy.
kaithy to understand that aarav like her but she didn't talk about it n keep ignoring that topic.

Kaithy told aarav ab her x like how he dumped her and all but still I love her because jaden was kaithy first love and she was mad about jaden. aarav got hurt by kaithy's words then aarav didn't talk with anyone few days.

Aarav thinking tht wth happen if I didn't get my love but kaithy must get her love because she deserves that.
aarav find jaden contact from Facebook
n text him tht iam kaithy's friend can we talk. by hearing kaithy's name jaden refused to talk with aarav.
one day aarav text jaden it's urgent please can we talk jaden said I don't have time say first what u wanna say then aarav said about kaithy she is madly love in with u please don't leave her jaden ignore aarav's words.

Next day aarav come to class and he meet Nick. nick was same copy of aarav like there chooses and there othere things were so similar and Nick become aarav's closest friend there where like buddy's.

Aarav and Nick get out and started finding jaden in a bit kaithy text aarav what are you doing wths wrong with u why are you creating more problems in my life but aarav was trying to help her to get her love back but she was not in that situation to understand aarav.

Kaithy said see stop showing Simpthy.
accept Nick no one were ready to understand what aarav was trying to do.

Aarav keep trying but jaden ignored aarav. jaden was not ready to here ab kaithy anymore.
kaithy text aarav thanks for everything I don't need your help please for God leave me alone please stop creating more problems in my life.

the word leave me alone stuck with aarav...

thank you for reading first chapter.....

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