battleground of love

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Low expectations is the key to happiness in life. :- anonymous

Don't blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much from them. :- anonymous

chapter. 12

You guys were thinking that now they will be together till there last breath but no it's just starting aarav wants to face more and keep proving himself.

Kaithy come to her aunts home now they were in same town but kaithy didn't bought her mobile so she use to text and call from her grandmother's mobile

Those 15 days were so special for aarav and maybe for kaithy . late night talk calls text they were happy in there time. kaithy use to call in early morning just to wake up aarav it was happy moment for aarav

They decided to meet and they meet at cafe again this days were so special for aarav. they came out and started hanging out making rounds around to aaravs hostel on Scotty.

Kaithy told something about Richard to aarav and tht was really hurtful and from that time aarav started hating him.

It's was to late so kaithy left and aarav came back to his hostel .

After few days they meet again at cafe but this was there last meet and aarav was unknown about it. something wrong was going to happen really unacceptable for aarav.

Kaithy get admission at medical university so far frm her home and aarav
kaithy and her father sir dr nathan were visited there for conform her admission but it was not to worry because onik was there with her after completing there work there were returning back by train and aarav was awake whole night tracking the train distance and taking with kaithy he was awake whole night after reaching class he sleep in class.

After few days Aarav come to knew that kaithy and Richard were started talking again and kaithy didn't said him that she was in contact of Richard and aarav didn't hurt tht she was talking him she hide from aarav that hurt him more.

Richard was like sometimes he was showing that he is helping aarav for kaithy and in few he was interfering.
day by day misunderstanding were increasing.

Kaithy stopped talking aarav and block him everywhere.

Aarav contact Richard and tried to sort out and ask him that why he was interfering in them.

He tried to wash aaravs mind he told such unwanted things to aarav about kaithy that he supposed not to tell.

Richard was the one who doing this he was showing tht he was helping aarav but he didn't.

More then twenty days passed aarav's homies were took him. back somehow they come to know what is going on and then problems were increase more in his life. aarav tried to contact with kaithy but she didn't rply anywhere.

One day aarav told Richard to sort out whatever is there between aarav and kaithy so they decided to meet up but next day kaithy didn't came because of some issue

Richard and aarav where together and
Richard said he wants to cut hair so they visited salon and after that they pic up Richard frnd Bryan they were together whole day and kaithy was unknown about it Richard call kaithy and ask her what's the problem between aarav and her whatever kaithy was saying aarav was hearing.

Aarav come to know that what was kaithy's problem she was not happy with aarav and how she came in relationship with aarav

Kaithy said Richard to delete her photos from aaravs mobile aarav here that and before Richard say something aarav deleted everything.

Next day aarav and Richard had very bad fight reason was aarav said something that he supposed not say ab Richard and it was more then 6months before thing and for that he said sorry and literally beg in front for Richard for everything.

Kaithy and aarav were separated.
the felling what aarav was going through can't tell or express in words

Aarav tried every single thing to forget kaithy but it didn't work.


"Most of you love come in relationship and breakup within days months you separate your ways and start something new that keep you busy and happy"

I can agree you love and you are loving.

how much yeahh! how much you love her/him. tell me

"let me tell your answer like more then me or more then any other can or till your list breath but how you will prove that you are not lying"

how you will prove it in words?

what is true love, believe me trust me understanding loyal does it is?

can you tell me when you was last with your parent on her or his bed
(not for sex) when she or he was not not well and needs you beside her or his not about married couples.

you can sleep with her or him but can't be with her or him whenever she or he needs you

you can understand her but have you ever dress her in ur relationship period I don't think so so it's love in your words but I don't think so.

you can send nudes to her or ask for , u can tell her different types of sex positions u can buy condoms for her.

"but have u tried to share her depression or feeling except nudes"

"have you tell her that in cramps keep warm water near to stomach except telling her about sex positions"

"have you ever buy sanitary napkin except buying her condoms"

so in ur words it's true love.
I don't think so.

What aarav was Aspecting from kaithy.
it was nothing except a call or text whenever she gets time importance in her life a one text that how are you did you had your food thts the thing from heart.

comment me how much you love and why and have you did this for her or him

thank you for reading 🙏

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