battleground of love

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William Faulkner
“The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten.”

Marilyn Monroe
“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

                          chapter 14

If your loving then take it to end dont leave it in middle.


After seeing that conversation aarav thought to talk with kaithy and clear out the things because still kaithy was same for aarav as early she was.

But he didn't talk with her because aarav was thinking that aarav was creating problems in her life so he decided to stay away from her.

Aarav talk Suzanne she helped in it aarav told her do something that she start hating me and forget me forever because if I start talking her again then maybe I'll create more problems in her life

Suzanne text kaithy and told her that she is aarav's girlfriend and he forget whatever the past was with you and  I am his future.

Maybe it worked somewhere.

A month passed the day's were coming closer to leave aarav for abroad

But still somewhere kaithy was in him. he use to go cafe and seat there, were they use to meet always

Aarav was just flowing with flow, one day someof there friend told that kaithy and Richard get married aarav didn't trust on that but somewere he was thinking that maybe it's true. so for conformation he ask Richard friend he told yes Richard got married.

Everything stopped but this he didn't react maybe because of kaithy was happy somewhere , so aarav text kaithy and wish her aarav was unknown that Richard married but  not with  kaithy  someone else,
kaithy rply him "who told you and what's wrong with you why you flow rumors about mealways"s.

Aarav thought that before leaving just say sorry for whatever happened to kaithy so he text her

" that sorry for whatever I did and I am going abroad just wanna say goodbye and sorry if I disturb you "

She told that it's okay I don't have any problem we can talk.

This was new start they were started talking again they were getting close once everything was going good.

Amber come to know about this . they were getting close again maybe somewere amber was liking aarav amber talk with aarav " what's wrong with you how you can so mean  like whenever you get kaithy back in your life you forget what's behind you and who was with you
how  you can forgot whatever happened and she did  they had big fight and aarav stopped talking with amber because she was talking unrelated things about kaithy.

Next day amber came aarav's home  and told his cousin  about kaithy and  they come together once.
amber took aarav's dairy's and burn them.

That was her biggest mistake the only thing  ab kaithy was with aarav  that was her memories (those dairy's)

Aarav got hurt from her that behavior he didn't did anything just because of his cousin next day aarav saw amber in friends birthday party and he slap her in front of everyone for whatever he did.

Kaithy come to know about it and  ahe explain aarav that whatever she did it was wrong but she is ur friend you slapped her kaithy talk with amber about whatever happened.

Aarav and kaithy  they were together once.
kaithy said him Early that "he doesn't want to go abroad in future  I can't live without my parents"

Aarav remember that and cancelled his applications. whatever he was doing just for kaithy he didn't think that what he will do now one more year, four year completed the things were same as they were early as .

Aarav thought that was last now it will be happiness ahead that I passed the text wich God was taking mine.

But it was not last one ☺

Meet you with new chapter.
thank you for reading ☺🙂

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