battleground of love

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I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow. - Leo Christopher

I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. - J.R.R. Tolkien

I want to be with you until my last page
I may not be your first date kiss or love but I want to be your last everything


chapter. 11

Aarav's everyday was starting with kaithy and ending with her text.

They were meeting first time at cafe after expressing there fellings to each other.

Aarav called kairan and Amber to. amber was aarav's collage frind and his father's friends daughter to.

Aarav and kaithy were meeting after months so it was like dream for aarav

Aarav kairan and amber reach at cafe and waiting for kaithy.

Aarav saw kaithy was entering in and she was looking so adorable kaithy came and seat behind aarav.

Kairan ask kaithy that how log you guys wanna fight come together. kaithy said I am wishing lets see what he does.aarav look at her and smile maybe kaithy got her answer.

Kairan and amber left them alone because they were meeting after so log. it was first time they were together only for each other aarav completely fall in kaithy more than hour aarav was just looking in her eye's.

The time was passing to fast. aarav ask kaithy come to his home to meet his mom. she said after sometime

Kaithy hug aarav and she was literally crying she ask aarav why u didn't meet me before.

Aaravs eye's were full of tears. kaithy hold aarav's hand and promise him that she will never gonna leave aarav in his life he is so important for her.

Six hours they seat at one place looking each other and talking this was like a mud is taking shape of a beautiful pot.

The time came it was 5.12 at evening kaithy is going aarav didn't want tht she go. kaithy promise aarav she will as soon as she can.

Kaithy left and aarav was still there and remembering the days before how they were fighting and what he face just for this days and still it's unbelievable am I seeing dream or what?

After coming home. continuously he was scrolling there pics wich they took today at cafe. it was like dream for aarav wich was coming true day by day.

Aarav decided whatever happened in life he will never leave kaithy. that I'll give my best for her to make her every dreams true .

Everyone has girlfriend a partner, but for aarav she was more then this kaithy's importance in aarvs life there is no proper word to explain what she means to aarav.

For aarav time and love this the only thing he was Aspecting from kaithy nothing else he never force her for anything.

After few days they meet again this was like aarav was dreaming the things were happening kaithy's love for aarav that aarav saw in her eyes in her cair. this was aarav's imagination wich was coming true kaithy and aarav where together they were seeing dreams and trying to make them true.

Aarav and kaithy were spending good time at cafe and Richard call kaithy and aks her where is she. she told that iam in cafe with aarav Richard came there and the thing he did it was so annoying for aarav he pull kaithy's ponytail in fun as friend aarav was so possesive ab kaithy he didn't like that someone close to her or tuch to her. aarav just look at kaithy she understand that aarav is getting uncomfortable from him so she said Richard to leave.

After leaving Richard kaithy explain aarav very sweetly that he is my friend and he is on his place and ur place in my heart.

Aarav and kaithy were enjoying there time. time was passing happily with kaithy.

Aarav shift to boys hostel in months now he is far from his home and now he can give more time to her they use to call text and video call each other to late nights.

Day by day they were getting close to each other.

Kaithy introduced aarav with her cousin Bryan l she asked her cousin that her father will accept aarav Or not he said  as I know them definitely they will accept him and onik and me is there for you we will help you. his cousin was  there side helping her at every movement.

This is how aarav started and still continuing.

It's just half story. stay tuned

thank you for reading🙏

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