Paying Dues

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Yui POV:

Night came for us with the hospital allowing me to leave. During the discharge, I remained calm with the explanation of what Kirishima and Bakugou said to me replaying in my mind.

Flashback to earlier today

"Wait, are you telling me that you wanna take matters into your own hands? Isn't that wrong and going to give more problems than there should be?" Itsuka questioned as Kirishima explained himself.

"I know that it's gonna be a problem, but I can't just stand back and let my friend be taken. The fact I couldn't do much to begin with is bad enough. It's worse knowing I can't do a thing about it right now. But Yaomomo was able to hook up a device to find a Nomu that was attacking the camp thanks to your classmate. We asked her to help and she's joining in."

"But wouldn't this mean we're breaking the law? What the villains did was bad, yes. But doing this would be no different than actually committing a crime and could easily lead to problems for us."


"I'D RATHER DO SOMETHING THAT WOULDN'T INVOLVE US GETTING ARRESTED AND CAUSE IZUKU TO HAVE MORE WORRIES FOR US BECAUSE WE DID THIS TO SAVE HIM!" The two began shouting at each other with Itsuka now shaking in anger. "You think I like the fact I screwed up in the forest? I thought to go help Izuku but didn't. I feel horrible not acting when I could without problems. As heroes in training, our job is to respect the law and uphold it to the best of our ability, NOT TO TAKE IT INTO OUR OWN HANDS AND DESTROY THE BASIC FRAMEWORK WE'RE TRYING TO PROTECT!"

She was fuming with rage with it not sitting right with me either. But unlike everyone else, I couldn't help anyone and simply slept through everything while others were being attacked or hurt. "I'm in."

"Yui. You can't be serious."

"I am. Izuku would do anything he could to help us and has in the past. It's only fair we risk our lives for him when he needs it the most."

"You're thinking of breaking a law! Do you honestly think Izuku would be willing to sit by and let you throw your future away like this!?"

I stared at Itsuka and gave her my honest answer. "Let me ask you this. If Izuku was in the same boat we were, do you think he'd question helping us if it was a matter of breaking the law or would he help us regardless? From what I know of Izuku, he wouldn't think twice about helping another person even if it meant he'd damn himself for it. I think it's only fair we do the same when he needs it the most."

Thinking about what I said, Itsuka grunted in annoyance before accepting it. "Alright. But I'm going along to keep us from doing something that'll interfere with the heroes. The second something goes south, we're leaving and I won't have an argument about this." I nodded for Kirishima to respond.

"Later tonight, we're gonna meet up and do this. If you're still gonna join in, then meet us outside the hospital at 9." The two left with the room being left for us to calm down and understand what we're getting ourselves into.

Back to present

Walking out of the hospital, I was met by Kirishima, Itsuka and Bakugou alongside Momo, Todoroki and Iida who somewhat surprised me since he didn't peg me as the type to do something like this. "You ready?" I nodded before Iida and Momo made one thing clear to all of us.

"Just so we all are on the same page, we are not going to tamper with anything that requires us to fight the villains. If we are able to save Usagiyama without causing trouble, we will. If we cannot, I will stop us and avoid any interference whatsoever."

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