Gondolph a fire city in the cloud fall into war which takes the king's life, in his dying bed he ordains first son Genova the king, and Second son Kyrian a minister. Kyrian who secretly planned the war to kill his father and ascend the throne was fu...
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Hours became days, days became weeks and weeks rolled into months. Genova and Sylvia started developing deep feelings for each other, and they got very use to each other. However, there was one thing Sylvia never understood. “Why do I never see him sleep except at the end of every month? And yet any slight noise wakes him up at such times…” she wondered one day to herself.
_GONDOLPH_ It was only ten days since Kyrian went through the portal. The kingdom of Gondolph waited in fear for him to come out in two days.
_CHINA_ Genova stood by the window and the wind blew his robe around as usual. Sylvia stood by his door watching him. When he noticed her, he turned. “Sylvia,” he said. “Hi.” she said and entered the room. “What’s wrong?” Genova asked, placing one of his hand behind him and the other in front of him. “Nothing I came to say that…” Sylvia paused. “What?” “Well, tomorrow is new year’s. We always have the lantern festival.” “Really? What is it like?” he asked. His ignorance did not surprise her. She was already used to him not knowing about their cultures. “We make wishes with lanterns and let them fly and pray that the heavens grant these wishes.” A smile played on her lips. “Sounds nice." “Would you like to come along with me?” “That will be great.” Genova replied. “Awesome.” She turned and walked away. Genova stared in her wake, gritting his teeth. “It’s been nine months here already!” he spat.
The portal to the Gates of hell opened and heavy winds blew through the gates throwing the tables and chairs into the air. The elders struggled to keep a hold of themselves. Calm returned as abruptly as it was lost after a few minutes. Kyrian walked out of the portal and it closed up. the elders looked at him. He had no single scratch on his body, blood covered his cloth but it didn’t seem to be his, He looked exactly as he looked going in. He smirked and clenched his fists, looking at the elders, he said, “Bow to your new king.” Having no other choice, they knelt down, bowing to him. Kyrian looked around and noticed one of the elders who was not bowing down. He then stretched his hands producing a black fog which sped to him and gripped the man by his neck. Kyrian lifted him up asking, “Do you dare not to bow to your king?” “You are not my king.” He answered. “Oh? Have you chosen already to die today?” “I will never bow to you.” He said and spat at Kyrian. The other elders stood up and begged Kyrian to spare him, but Kyrian flung him into the tables. He tried to get up, but Kyrian held him again, this time telepathically. No one saw any hands but his face began to pop with veins as Kyrian strangled him. His veins turned dark and seeing this, all the elders fell to their knees. “Have mercy, my king.” They pleaded but Kyrian felt more powerful. “This is what happens to anyone who dares to defy me!" Kyrian said as fire consumed the man leaving no ashes. Kyrian turned around to the elders. “Rise, all of you” he said, “My first order is this. The Crystal Hall will no more be guarded by its current ruler. He will be replaced by the forgotten witch of Gondolph.” “My king,” one of the elders said, “that is impossible”. “What?” Kyrian asked with slight fury. “You can only rule the Crystal Hall with the impurity pendant and you do not wield it.” “Then, where is it?” he asked them. One of the elders came stood out and bowed down low. “My king, Genova took it before you fought with him, and I think it is still with him.” He said. “That’s nonsense!” Kyrian said, waving his hands to dismiss the elder. He bowed down and went back to his original position. “Who knew Genova was so smart?’ Kyrian whispered under his breath. It’s all right. I will go myself and take the staff from him, we will meet soon brother.” He smirked and vanished into the thin air. _The witches Cave_ Kyrian walked into the cave and saw the witch sitting on her chair. Immediately she saw him, she stood to face him.
“My king.” she greeted and bowed down. “Rise.” “Thank you, my king.” She said and raised her head. “My king, why don’t you take crystal hall by force?” she asked. “You have enough power already.” “No! In defeating Genova, I will prove that I am Omni-powerful.” he paced. “But my king you don’t need to, you know that surely, Genova has a plan.” The witch said. “I know that’s why I want to go.’ “But…” “No buts. I will go” Kyrian stopped her midsentence. She was filled with rage but being unable to do anything she bowed down to him. _Sudan china_ The New Year eve came, Genova and Syliva followed the ceremony of lighting the candles, and took a walk afterwards. “Are you hungry?” she asked him and he nodded. ‘Okay, I will go across the street to buy something.’ “Cool, buy something nice.” He said as she walked across the street. He saw a rabbit and carried it to snuggle. When he looked up, Sylvia was nowhere to be seen. He dropped the rabbit and jumped up, looking left and right and calling her name. He suddenly saw some men walking towards him with a lady on their shoulders. He immediately recognized them from the last time. “Are you looking for her?” their leader asked, throwing Sylvia on the ground almost unconscious. “What did you do to her?” Genova asked as he knelt down to examine her. She was bleeding slightly from the head. “Payback.” He replied. One of the men took out a dagger and was about to stab Sylvia. Genova moved her out of the way with the swiftness of a gazelle and he missed. “What!” Genova exclaimed, “You are trying to kill her? You’re monsters.” “Oh, yes, and you too” Another one said drawing his sword and pointing it to his head. “You want to kill me too? You fools!” Genova exclaimed as fire coursed through his body causing his eyes to turn white. He let go of Sylvia’s hand. The men started to retreat but Genova rushed to them and held their leader by the throat. Instantly, he caught fire. He pointed at the other two and shot fireballs at them, scorching them like he did their leader. He heard footsteps and whispers approaching, and carried Sylvia who was still unconscious, and flew away. When he arrived at the house, he turned back to normal and took Sylvia into the house and treated her head injury, he wrapped her head in a bandage and laid her to sleep in the room. A couple of hours later, Sylvia opened her eyes slowly not believing she was alive. She moved her hands and slowly tried to stand up holding her head. She groaned from the ache that stabbed in her head. She stood up and dragged herself to the living room. “Genova?” she called out slightly. “You’re awake.” Genova replied and ran to help her sit down in one of the chairs. He plopped down beside her. “Genova…” she said reaching out to rub her forehead with her right hand. “What is it?” “What happened out there?” “You were injured by those same men from last time. Luckily for you, I found them and taught them a lesson.” “I saw fire, and they were burning, how?” “That must have been a heavy blow to the head. You were seeing things.” He tried to sound breezy and casual. “No, I know what I saw. This reminds me of when I found you, you were burning with an alarming temperature. Please, tell me the truth. Who are you?” “If I tell you, you won’t believe.” Genova said standing up and walking to the wall. “Try me.” “I am not like you. I am not a mortal. I come from a kingdom in the skies, Gondolph. And there we have the ability to control and create fire.” Genova said and to prove his point, he caused fire to rise from his hands, and immediately took it back. Sylvia jumped as she was startled. “I am the crown prince of my kingdom, on my coronation day, I was stripped of my powers in order to pass my challenge, but my twin brother attacked me and with his new form of power and the loss of mind, I stood no chance. So, he defeated me and threw me down to earth, and that’s where you found me.” “Why did you say were stripped of your powers?” Sylvia asked still trying to process everything. “Before I become king, I am meant to pass through a few tests without my powers, only after passing can I become King. But, my brother chose the moment of my weakness to attack me and take the test. For my powers to return means that he has finished the challenge, and seeing you injured must have triggered it.” He lowered his tone, “Yes, I burned them. I understand if you are mad at me right now, but I could not stand seeing you injured without cause.” “I have so many questions but you just saved my life. I cannot question you right now. And besides, I can’t let you go like this.” She stood up and walked over to him. They stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds. She eased herself into his arms and rested her head on his chest. “I love you.” He enclosed her in his arms and suddenly broke the hug. “Kyrian will soon arrive.” “Who?“ Sylvia asked. “Kyrian, my twin brother. He is coming for the impurity pendant.” “The impurity pendant?" “He wants it?" "Why?” “Yes, just to defeat and kill me.” Genova looking into her eyes as if to see exactly what was going on in her head. _Godolph_ Kyrian sat on the throne with hundreds soldiers standing in front of him. He looked at them. “Get ready,” he said, “tomorrow, we go to earth.”
Hey everyone, it's me again sorry I had the go off the radar, I had to deal with some stuff but finally back !!! Let quickly get done with Scars 2022 is surely or year let's begin