Day 22

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Living with Sangwoo is unbearable!

First off he insists that we sleep in the same bed together, the problem is he's a clingy octopus in bed! He crushes me like a grizzly bear!

Next is he insists that he gets to be involved in everything about me, from physical therapy appointments to doctor appointments to when I take naps. His excuse is "The husband should be involved in his wife's recovery, right?"

I'm going to fucking slug him as soon as I'm able to. That's my goal for my physical therapy.

The only good thing about Sangwoo is that he can cook, he cooks amazing meals that help me put on pounds within days. He's been following my dietician's recommendations and suggestions to a T so that I can gain healthy weight.

I wasn't sure about us living together, but it seems to be working. Minus Sangwoo being unbearably clingy and insisting we sleep together.

Sangwoo hasn't stopped shopping for me, buying me clothes that surprisingly look good on me. He even cut my hair for me and bought some facial stuff to help me "glow up" as he put it.

He massages my face to increase blood flow so that I'm not as pale, after he's done with my face he massages my entire body.

I'm not sure how I should feel about this, I keep asking him why he's doing this. Why does he care?

I'm so used to my uncle abusing me and using me as he likes. Beating me, whipping me and the like.

I'm not used to being treated with love and care, to being treated like I'm a human and not some object of burden.

I've been keeping all of this inside and I haven't asked him out loud why he's doing this.


I wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare about my uncle, shaking and drenched in a cold sweat with tears running down my face. I can't stop shaking, I can hear my uncle's voice in my ear calling my mother's name as he touched me.

"Bumie? What's wrong, are you okay?"

I snap my head over to look at my left side to see someone in my bed. I screamed and scrambled out of the futon to skitter across the floor to the wall.

"Bumie! Bum!"

I cover my face with my arms and curl up in a ball, holding my legs close to my body to make myself as small as possible.

My uncle is here, he's here! I never left the house! Nobody saved me! I'm still in that hell!

I felt hands grab me and I screamed.

"Bumie, look at me. Bum, it's me." A soft voice, rough but soft. I know this voice.

I stop shaking and slowly drop my arms to look up and it's not my uncle.

"It's okay, Bum." Gently he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. "It's okay, Bum. You're okay, you're safe."

Slowly with hesitant movement I wrap my arms around him, pulling him close. Feeling hard muscle instead of that squishy fat. Inhaling the scent of soap and shampoo instead of that disgusting sweaty smell of a pig.

"Sangwoo." I whimper and snuggle into his chest, pressing my cheek against his chest.

"I'm right here." He rubs the back of my head and slowly I start to calm down.

"I'm here, Bum. I'm here."


It takes a few months before I'm able to go to court and testify against my Uncle for all of the abuse he put me through. I throw granny under the bus as well since she did absolutely nothing to prevent the abuse.

It's terrifying having to face my Uncle but this will be the very last time I see him.

And it'll be to put his sorry fat ass in jail for the rest of his life.

Sangwoo X Yoonbum slice of life AUWhere stories live. Discover now