Day 1

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Another class day ends and I'm bored beyond belief, maybe I can look for something to do. Uncle is out of town for a while so I can do whatever I want. That thought made me brighten up. "Hey, Bum!" The only warning I received before I was violently plucked from my seat and thrown over the shoulder of this bird nest headed junior of mine.

"Sangwoo! You dummy! I hate heights!" I wriggled around like a captive while the brute just chuckled and squeezed my rump. "Hey! Don't touch there! Sangwoo let me down this instant!"

My pleas fell on deafz ears as he carried me out of the classroom to god knows where. I kept struggling and pulling out of his grip, trying to break free. "Hey, cmon now Bumie. Man you are really riled up today."

I smacked his head "Show some respect brat! I'm four years older than you!" I growled "And don't call me Bumie!"

Oh lord, where did that sweet boy I used to watch over go? When did he turn into such a delinquent?

I sighed and resigned myself to the brute's hands, nothing else I can do really and besides my uncle won't be around for a while so I have nothing to worry about. Then again, this is Sangwoo so maybe I do have to worry since he has become unpredictable after he grew out of his boyish looks.

"Here we are." He announced, carefully placing me on the ground in front of "A karaoke bar? Sangwoo, I can't afford this. I can spare you some change to cover a song and a drink but that's about it." I say with a sigh and take out my wallet, fishing out some money.

Only to have my wallet snatched from my hands "Who said that you're paying? Last time I checked, girls don't pay for the date." He said with that oh so familiar cocky smirk on his face that he never out grew from his younger years.

I'm used to his teasing, his insistent and pestering teasing that makes me want to sock him in that pretty boy face of his. "Sangwoo, isn't it about time you grew out of this teasing personality of yours?" I ask with my arms crossed, so not in the mood for this.

His eyes grew hard and he gave me a look I had never seen before except on his father's face. "Oh Bumie, you naive fool. Can't you tell what I'm doing?" He then started to laugh. The laugh was dark and could make milk curdle along while making babies cry.

"Oh you idiot! Even the most thick headed girls in our school can figure it out!" He claimed as he kept laughing.

I looked up at him in confusion "Sangwoo?" I want to run away as my heart seized up in bone numbing fear.

He kneeled down to my height "Bum, I'm taking you out on a date." He said bluntly, his eyes having softened and a warm smile had wormed its way onto his face. I merely sighed "You know I can't resist that face. Alright, let's go."

That seemed to perk him up, he straightened up to his full height and took my hand. I never noticed how rough his hands are.

We go inside, pay for a room, some songs, drinks and food.

I'll admit, it was fun. I had a lot of fun. I'm sure the girl Sangwoo dates will be happy with him since he knows how to show a girl a good time.

After we were done, it was late. I checked my phone to see a text from granny.

"Karaoke? He took you to karaoke?

I flashed her a quick text before shoving my phone into my pocket.

"So what'd you think?" Sangwoo asked after coming to stand beside me.

I pursed my lips in thought "It was fun but you better not skip out on your studying because of this. Your mother and I will both have your head." I said sternly, looking up at my junior. "Dammit, why do you have to be so damn tall?"

He smirked and reached down to ruffle my hair "Because I drank a lot of milk as a kid."

I smacked his hand away "Such a punk, anyways I got to get home. I'll see you tomorrow, Sangwoo." I started walking off to the bus stop before I was once again stopped by this bird nested haired boy.

"Hang on, let's go to my place. I'll borrow the car and drive you home." He suggested.

I weighed the pros and cons of that, mostly cons since granny will fuss over me all night and I will never hear the end of it with her squaking. "Nah, I'm good. Just don't slack on your studies."

I got home and the weight of the day crashed into me, making me feel exhausted beyond belief. I practically crawled over to my shared room with granny and got changed for bed.

Today was fun, thank you Sangwoo.

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