Day 2

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The day after I went to Karaoke with Sangwoo and I'm sick. Sick to the point where my vision is blurry and I wouldn't be able to eat even if I tried.

Sick to where I looked like I was on the verge of death but I have to go to school. Or at least try to.


This was a bad idea, I can't focus on anything, I can't listen to the teacher and oh god I can't keep my head up. Everything is starting to swim.


Shit. "Teacher, I need to use the bathroom." I let out a groan before practically crawling out of my seat and slinking to the bathroom.

Vomiting is never fun, I hate it. It hurts my throat, my mouth and my nose. It feels like something is pushing on the back of my mouth and forcing all this bile up and out of me.

"Oh god." I got out slightly before more bile came out.

"Bum? Hey, Bum you in there?"

I can't even pick up my head, it feels like an anvil is hanging off of my neck in replacement of my head. It just keeps coming, more and more and please let it stop.


I think I passed out, or maybe I blacked out. Opening my eyes I find myself looking up at a ceiling I don't recognize. " I?" I ask to no one in particular, not expecting an answer except that maybe I'm dead. If I'm dead then everything would end, right?

I wouldn't have to see my uncle anymore, I won't be starved and...I can finally be happy. Right?

Sound started to filter into my ears, voices. They're screaming. No, they're arguing. Why?

I try sitting up only to find that I'm naked from the waist up and down. Clothed in nothing but one of my new boxers Sangwoo bought me.

I looked down at my body, seeing my all too thin frame, the bruises, cuts, scars everything I avoided looking at when undressing to bathe or participate in sports. Now bare for the whole world to see, the road map of my uncle's abuse.

All because I'm my mother's son and the son of my uncle's brother. My uncle's ex girlfriend that fell for the better looking brother.

I sat slumped in the futon, wondering just where in the hell am I.

Just then the door opened, I shot out of the bed before I knew what I was doing. Exposing my scars and bruises for all to see.

"Oh my god." He breathed.

Sangwoo X Yoonbum slice of life AUWhere stories live. Discover now