Chapter 13

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The thick, sandy air started to choke me. It's stung my eyes and throat.
Through the tears, the sand into my throat started making me gag. I heard the shuttering crack of glass splitting. Then some satisfying thumps on the ground.
They had broken the window and were hopping onto the ground.
I started to climb toward where I had heard the smash. When I was almost there, a warm hand pushed me gently forward.
I tripped slightly. I still couldn't see, so I was relying on my sense of feel.
I lightly cut my finger on the edge of the glass where it had been smashed. I position myself of of the opening. I misjudged the distance, and jumped out too far. When I landed on the ground, I slipped onto my butt.
I stood up and brushed myself off.
I opened my eyes, glad to see the dust had settled. My eyes and throat still stung, but now there was not any more sand coming into them. I started to walk away from the wreckage. All of my friends but Nigel were grouped together. Mika was still lightly coughing. Nigel jumped out of the broken window and approached us.
"Where are we?" I asked, not particularly to anyone, but I still needed to ask.
"No idea." Nigel responded.
"Should we go to the building?"
"No idea."
I answered my own question by walking to the building.
After a few steps, a loud squeak rang in my head.
I covered my ears in hope of drowning it out. The piercing ring still lingered.
I fell to my knees, holding my head in my hands. I attempted to get up, only to fall back down again. When I finally got to my feet, I was walking like a drunk person.
I started to panic.
And then things got weird.
My powers started to activate. I was teleporting all over the place. I was catching on fire and scorching the sand.
Small beads of glass started to form where I had fallen over and cooked the sand.
I wanted to vomit. I was scared I would teleport in the sky.
I teleported over to the other side of the island. I tried to get up, but collapsed at my own weight. As I laid on the ground, something started to change my nose grew longer and my mission suit soaked into my skin. Black hair started springing from my back, within a few seconds, I was a full blown wolf.
I got tangled up in my mess of unstable limbs.
I was spawning all over the place, I felt like I was ice-skating on all fours.
I continuously fell down. The ringing was so loud and I had no way to cover my ears.
I smashed the side of my face down in the sand. That just got sand in my ear. I ran for the water to rinse off up just before I can get there.
I teleported farther inland. Seconds later I teleported into the water.
I then doggy paddled until I teleported again in front of friends. I was whimpering, barking, this made my friends look scared.
Julius was the first to approach, he put his hand out and slowly walked forward. It was still me, it made me slightly angry that they were afraid of me.
But they seemed more afraid for me than afraid of me.
I walked forward and buried my face into the dirt.
Julius backed off. I laid down in the sand and pawed at my ears.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small group of teens approaching us.
I attempted to stand up to run to them and warn the others of their approach.
I started to teleport again. I teleported in front of the group of strangers.
But instead of being on the ground, I was 10 feet up in the air. I fell hard on my side when I landed.
I let out a whimper of pain.
The group stood over me, curious as crap. They looked at me open mouthed and shocked.
All except one.
A girl with light blond hair and understanding blue eyes, pleading, but happy. No, not happy, grateful. She had a smile plastered on her face.
I felt like my ribs were broken, I don't know why that suddenly popped into my head, but it did.
Four strangers.
One boy, three girls.
A pale skinned girl with red hair, she had shooting blue eyes with a sadness to them, loneliness, guilt, but I could tell she was usually perky.
A sandy-haired girl with tan skin and dark brown eyes that could see into your soul. They still held the same sadness.
The boy had shaggy brown hair. His face was dotted with freckles. Who was wearing jeans and a hoodie. This made me me jealous. I had lost my hoodie in a tragic accident.
His eyes were a light brown, he actually looked really sad, though. How can you be sad in jeans?
I heard the thump of footsteps coming from my friends. Within a second they were standing over my wolf-body.
"Is this your dog? I think she's magical, she was just flying." This came from the girl with the blood red hair. "By the way, I am Strawberry, this is Fran," She motioned toward the dust blonde.
She continued, "This is Annie." She motioned word the blond girl, the one that was acting normal. "And Michael." Pointing toward the boy.
As soon as she finished talking, the boy whispered to her, "Why is it raining mutts?"
I overheard and growled at him.
Great, now I'm a mutt.
I trying to focus on turning back into a human, but really made things worse.
The tips of my fur started to catch on fire. I ran as fast as I could straight for the water. My side ached as I ran. My ribs still felt like they were crushed. When I got in the water and flooded over me, literally.
I dragged myself out of the water and attempted one more time to transform.
This time it was successful, I transformed, I'm sure I look like a goofball, standing there on my hands and knees.
I stumbled into my feet. The others were staring straight at me.
I brushed the sand off of me. I hated all of the attention, I wanted to leave. I needed to know who these people were, and why I had a power spaz.
I would also love to know why, when everyone else was scared and depressed looking, why was one girl smiling.
Smiling at a burning dog that had fallen from the sky.
I don't get it.
Now, just to teleport into the large metal building in the center of this island as the others figured out if these people were good or bad.
As I prepared to teleport, something felt different. I ignored it and continued to focus.
I opened my eyes again, I was at the door of the building. that was not right, I wanted to be in the building.
I tried again, I didn't go anywhere.
Maybe my powers had malfunctioned because of the spaz.
I might as well try to hack in while I was waiting.
There was a small panel with numbers on it. It looked like an calculator connected to a lock system.
It seemed like you wouldn't need a lock on an deserted island where no freakin' person knew where the crap it was.
But who knows, maybe they have a troll infestation problem.
Or maybe they predicted my visit and they do not want people who can turn into flaming dog who teleport uncontrollably in her lab.
Nah, I am just fooling.
Huh, I wonder what the code could be.
Let me start with the most complicated one, 1-2-3-4-5.
Nothing happened.
Next I punched in 5-4-3-2-1.
A small click came from the door. I grabbed the metal door handle and pulled in toward me.
Well that was surprisingly easy.

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