Chapter eighteen

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A/n It is waaay past my bed time and so subsequently this part may have many spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. I'll have to fix this in the morning.


“Nina! Long time, no see. Come here!” Butch opened his arms wide and gave Nina a bear hug. Butch always gave the best hugs, they were welcoming and warm.

“What brings you here?” He paused, as he looked down at Nina, a flash of worry behind his eyes. “Did Oswald send you?”

Nina shook her head and looked at the floor.

“ the lounge.”

His brow furrowed, aging him as the wrinkles appeared above the bridge of his nose. With that knowing expression he ever so slightly smiled. It was comforting.

“Well you’re welcome to stay here for a while if you need to.”

“Thank you Butch. I think we’re okay for the moment, aren’t we Selina?”

Selina had been hiding in the shadows of the room but Nina had thought it was high time that she made her appearance. Selina took a few steps into the light and stood at an angle, ready to run if she needed to.

“Ah Catwoman, nice to see you’ve come back.”

“It’s only a short visit.”

Nina noticed Selina still hadn’t improved her people skills.

The room was quiet for a moment while Butch shuffled his feet. He stood up straight and sighed contentedly.

“Anyone for a drink?”

“Actually I’m parched, yes please.” Nina smiled. She secretly hoped he wasn’t about to offer her whiskey but he was hovering dangerously close to the frosted glass decanter that sat so prominently on his sideboard.

“Could I trouble you for some water though Butch? We had a heavy night last night and my head is still throbbing.”

“Of course! You didn’t think I was about to offer you my expensive whiskey did you?” He smirked at her and winked. “I’ll be right back.”

True to his word he bought a large glass of icy water with two aspirins.

“Selina, I’ve been thinking.”

“That sounds dangerous Butch.” Selina piped in, disrupting his train of thought.

“Well, yes, hmm, didn’t we have a deal last time you came to see me? Didn’t you have a little problem you needed, fixing?”

“Well yes. I believe it’s sorted now thank you.”

“So what did we agree?”

“£260,000 worth of merch.”

Nina’s eyebrows flew towards the ceiling.

“£260-£260,000 Selina? You don’t have that sort of money!”

Selina sighed and sat down on one of the arm chairs. One of her legs hung over the arm of the chair, her elbow resting on the other, holding her bored expression in the palm of her hand.

“Nina, I really didn’t want you involved in this.” She turned to Butch. “Can we please talk about this another time?”

Butch cracked a knuckle in protest and perched on the edge of his desk.

“We will have to sort this though Selina.”

“And I will have the merchandise. I have my eye on several lovely paintings that a gentleman won’t miss too much.”

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