Chapter nineteen

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Nina was red faced and out of breath. Edward bent over holding his knees as he caught his breath.

“You know apparently it’s bad for you if you bend forward like that.”

Edward straightened up, towering over Nina.

“It’s also bad for us being chased by the police.”

A siren pierced the silence as it cruised along the road. Edward pulled Nina to the alleyway and into the shadows. The closeness made Nina blush so she was thankful for the darkness. As they hid she thought back to the night, how they’d ended up here.

“The wine is absolutely amazing.” Nina giggled, sipping at the remainder of the bottle that she and Edward had shared. Edward had decided to keep it casual tonight and had opted for a less conspicuous outfit, for once he had put his ego aside, willing to remain unnoticed. Tonight he was a civilian taking this amazing woman out for dinner.

He nodded and added, “It is.” Too dumfounded for words.

“So tell me about yourself Nina.” He found the words after a few more sips of liquid confidence.

“What is there to tell? I grew up on the streets, starting working at the Lounge for Oswald, overstayed my welcome before leaving. Oh and I mustn’t forget falling into the Gotham docks and waking up with fire powers.”

Edward chuckled.

“Okay well I know that. Tell me something I don’t know, what was it like growing up on Gotham streets?”

“Why? Do you want to try it?” Nina laughed. She was being remarkably closed today.

Edward shook his head, “No thank you, I’ve gotten quite fond of my luxuries.”

“It’s not all bad you know, you meet a lot of interesting characters in Gotham. Ivy for instance.” Edward groaned,

“She can be such a pain. Get her to grow some purple roses and you end up owing her for a lifetime.”

“Were they the same roses that you sent to m-?” Nina was interrupted by the explosion outside.

Edward was on his feet, wiping his mouth with the napkin before he threw it down, pulling Nina with him. The whole restaurant was distracted by the commotion. People were enticed by threats and danger and that gave Nina and Edward their way out.

The familiar laugh echoed throughout the streets, that maniacal cackle that caused a shiver down Nina’s spine. The Joker.

Police sirens echoed through the streets as Edward led Nina through the dark alleyways that he hoped would keep them covered from the police. Unfortunately it didn’t.

“Hey is that Edward Nygma?!” One cop shouted, pointing a finger across the street. As he began drawing his pistol Edward pulled Nina into a run.

Here they were now, out of breath and clutching at each other, trying to remain inconspicuous.

Edward allowed Nina some breathing room as he’d pulled her head into his chest, for safety of course. She pulled back and looked up into Edward’s eyes. He had been staring, fully alert and ready to run again, down the alley and at the road but they seemed to be in the clear. He relaxed slightly, his shoulders becoming less tense, and looked down at Nina’s bright, wide eyes. For a second he forgot where he was and reached out to stroke the side of her face. Nina responded by balancing on her tiptoes and kissing his lips tenderly, to which Edward responded with a deeper kiss as he cradled the back of her head in his hand.

“Well this night didn’t go as planned.” He chuckled to himself as they parted.

Edward was exhilarated, his pulse was through the roof and he was full of energy. As he led them back through Gotham to his car he felt a sense of adventure, something he hadn’t truly felt in a long while. He had his suspicions that having Nina by his side had something to do with it.

Nina laughed softly behind him.

“Sorry.” She answered, ceasing the sound, “I’ve never snuck away from the cops before.”

“Really? But didn’t you have to while you were growing up?” Edward stopped to look at her. Maybe he shouldn’t have dragged her into this, whatever ‘this’ was.

“Not really, I mean Selina and I used to get chased from bars when we stole too many drinks but that’s not really the same. It’s kind of exhilarating.”

Edward shook his head before leading them both across the carpark and into the car.

The area was vacated, cars in the street were overturned and burning, there was a black cloud of smoke rising from the building opposite the restaurant, must have been a warehouse. It didn’t quite explain why the Joker was there burning it down. Nina contemplated whether or not he was sending a message. She just hoped that Batman wasn’t going to show up unannounced and take Edward away.

Did she just think that? Was Edward really that important to her that she would rather Batman arrest someone else? Edward was a wanted criminal. Edward had crimes that he should pay for. But didn’t everybody?

She wanted Edward safe and so she wanted away from this place.

“Can we leave please?” Nina spoke softly, “This place is giving me the creeps.”

Edward nodded. The distant sounds of laughter echoed along the vacant streets, the scene before them lit up with flames and clouded with smoke. The pair climbed into the car and Edward manoeuvred his way home.

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