Chapter 24

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Rachael's POV

The next morning I woke up to a knocking at the door. Who could be here this early, it's only 8am.

"What?" I said as I answered the door.
"Dads in town. " My brother said.
"Yeah he's at my house now, he's looking for you. "
"Um.. Well I guess I'll be over later. "
"Okay. "
"Thanks for letting me know. "
"I'll see you later"
"Yeah bye... "

I went back upstairs and saw that Embry was now awake.

"Hey where were you?" He asked groggily.
"Sam stopped by. "
"My dad is in town."
"I'm sorry babe. "
"It's okay. "

See the thing with me and my dad is that we don't get along like at all. We have completely different views. And he's always trying to control my life. My dad actually lives in London. I was forced to move with him after my mom died, Sam didn't have to because he was already 18. I wanted to stay with Sam but dad didn't let me.

"So this is completely off topic, but I think we should get married. "
"What? "
"Us, me and you , we should get married. "
"Embry just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean you have to marry me. "
"It's not just that, I really want to marry you, I've been thinking about it for a while and now I think it's time." He said getting up and coming around to my side of the bed.

He kneeled down, and took my hands in his.

"So Rachael Uley will you do me the honor of becoming my wife"
"Yes! Yes! So many times yes!" I said with tears in my eyes.

Embry pulled out a ring of of his dresser drawer and slid it on my finger.

"It's so beautiful Embry. "
"Not as beautiful as you. " He said and kissed me.

Later that day I decided it was time to see what my dad wanted to me and Embry went over to sams.

"Hello?" I called when we entered the house.
"We are in the living room" Emily yelled.

Me and Embry walked in hand in hand. We saw Sam sitting stiffly, Emily looking uncomfortable and my father looking disgusted by the house.

" So before we start whatever this is. I have some news." I announced.
"What is it rach?" Sam asked.
"Me and Embry are engaged!!!" I yelled.

Emily yelled out of joy and ran to hug us. Sam just looked dumbfounded by the news but quickly recovered and smiled at me and shook Embry's hand.

My father cleared his throat.

"Yes" I asked rudely.
"Tone Rachael. Now this silly engagement will need to be called off. "

"Because your already engaged. and you have been since you were sixteen"


Authors note: drama bomb!!!

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