Chapter 28

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Rachael's POV

* 9 months later*

I want this baby out and I want it out now. Embry and I are always fighting. Sure we apologize the next morning because we know it's just because of my hormones raging out of control.
I just hope he's ready for this.

We are almost done with wedding plans. We have everything set up except my dress but that won't be ready till i give birth and get a little bit if the pregnancy fat off.

The baby should be here any day now. The guys and me are tense just waiting for the bomb to go off. Embry practically never leaves me alone and when he has to Sam or Paul are with me.

Then I felt it.

The baby was coming.

I called for Embry and he was ready in a second. We drove quickly to the forks hospital and Carlisle took me back.

*no POV *

Embry had to stay out of the room so he took the time to call everyone.

When the arrived the took up almost the whole waiting area.

They were there for hours waiting to for the news of the baby. And waiting to know if it was a boy or girl.

Rachael didn't want to know and wouldn't let anyone else know.


"Party for Rachael Uley?" A nurse said.

They all stood up and the nurse looked shocked.

"Um the father?"

Embry stepped forward. " That's me "

She asked him to follow her and he did. Leaving the others out there to wait and see the baby.

"Congratulations Embry." Carlisle said as he walked out.

Embry walked in and saw his beautiful fiancé holding his new born baby. And he couldn't help but smile.


Authors note: sorry this is kinda short but I think I'm going to end it soon, burnt will probably start another Embry or maybe Paul after this, not sure yet let me know what you think. Also do you want the baby to be a boy or a girl??

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