Part 1: going back to capside

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It's 9:00 in the morning when you hear your alarm going off. You got up and turned off your alarm. After you turned it off you got in the shower and got dressed for the day. You went into your kitchen and made some breakfast then went and sat down on the couch and watched tv until your phone ranged. You picked up your phone and answered it. "Hello?" You said into the phone. "Andi." The person on the other line said to you. "Yes? Who is this?" You said all confused.

"It's Joey." Joey said to you on the phone all excited. "Omg Joey." You said getting all excited. "Yes is so good to talk to you." Joey said to you. "It's so good to talk to you too."  You said to Joey. "So what are you up too." Joey said to you. "Um nothing I am just eating some breakfast and watching tv right now why what's up?" You said to Joey. "Oh ok well I was seeing if you wanted to come and visit everyone here in capside!" Joey said all excited. "Oh Um I don't know Joey." You said to Joey.

"Oh come on please andi we haven't seen you in a while." Joey said to you. "I know I know Joey but you know that whole pacey thing I don't think I'm ready to come back." You said to Joey. "Oh who cares the whole argument was a long time ago it's been 2 years andi just come we all miss you." Joey said to you. "Yea your right fine I'll come back to capside. When should I come." You said to Joey.

"Yes. Oh can you come tomorrow or?" Joey said to you all excited. "Uh yea I can come tomorrow I'll just have to pack my stuff right now tho." You said to Joey. "Ok can't wait to see you." Joey said to you. "Can't wait to see you and everyone else too. Oh and by the way Joey please don't tell the others that I am coming back I just want it to be a surprise." You said to Joey. "Yea I got it." Joey said to you. "Ok bye see you tomorrow." Joey said to you as she hanged up the phone. "Bye." You said to Joey before she hanged up.

After the call with Joey you finished your food and start packing. You started to pack everything and got your suit cases ready for the morning the next day.

A few hours later:

A few hours later and you are just laying in bed watching Netflix while scrolling through your phone. You looked at the time and saw that it was 9:00 at night so you had decided to go and get ready for bed so you can be up early in the morning to go back to Wilmington capside.

After you got ready for bed:

After you got ready for bed you went to your front door and locked it then you went to go lock your windows. After you did that you got in bed and went to sleep.

The next morning:

It's the next morning and you woke up at 7:00 so you got in the shower and got dressed then grabbed your bags and headed to your car. You put your bags in your car and drove off. "See you later New York City." You said as you drove away.

A few hours later:

A few hours later you finally made it to capside. You called Joey to ask her where she and the rest of the gang is.

On the phone with Joey:
"Hey Joey." You said to Joey on the phone. "Hey andi what's up." Joey said to you. "Oh Um I just wanted to let you know that I am in capside and I was seeing where you guys are?" You said to Joey. "Yayayay!!!" Joey said all excited. "Ok Um well we are at school right now so you can come to the school if you want?" Joey said to you.

"Ok thanks joey I will be at the school." You said to joey. "Ok see you when you get here andi." Joey said to you. "See you soon joey bye." You said to joey as you hanged up the phone.
End of phone call.

After the phone call with joey. You headed to the school.

Dawson, pacey, Jen, jack, joey pov at school:

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