Part 3

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You and Chris got into your car and started to drive off.

With Pacey and everyone:

"Hey were is andi and Chris going?" Pacey said to everyone. "Um I think they are going to study." Joey said to pacey as they all walked out of school. "Why pacey?" Jen said to pacey. "No reason just wondering." Pacey said to Jen. Then they all went there separate ways.

Back with you and Chris:

You and Chris are driving on your way to your house. "So Andi, what is that short for?" Chris said to you. "What is what short for? Oh you mean my name." You said to Chris while laughing. "Um Andi is short for Andela." You said to Chris. "That's a pretty name why don't you go by Andela?" Chris said to you.

"Thank you, um i don't know I guess it's because all my friends and family call me Andi ever since I was little and I just kinda got used to it I guess." You said to Chris. "Do any of your teachers call you Andi or Andela?" Chris said looking at you. "Uh some of my teachers call me Andela and some call me andie. I just kinda go by both you know." You said to Chris as you parked the car.

"Well we are here." You said to Chris as you got out the car and walked to the front door. You and Chris walked inside. "Nice home." Chris said to you. "Thanks." You said to Chris as you walked into the kitchen. Chris followed you. "So here are some snacks for us and some drinks too." You said to Chris as you sat them down on the table. "Thank you andi." Chris said to you. "Your welcome." You said to Chris as you sat down.

"Alrighty so let's get started." You said to Chris as you grabbed out your books and started to study for your English test.

3 hours later:

3 hours went by and you and Chris had finished studying for your English test. "Alright so do you need a ride home or?" You said to Chris as you put the dishes in the sink. "No it's alright." Chris said to you as he grabbed his backpack. "You sure?" You said to Chris. "Yes I'm sure. I'll see you later." Chris said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. You were shocked and confused on why he gave you a kiss on the cheek but you just brushed it off.

1 hour later:

Dawson and Pacey came back from the school. "Hey guys how did the auditions go?" You said to Dawson and Pacey as you got up from the couch. "It was good but we are still gonna look at some more people for the roles, unless you want to play the lead role?" Dawson said to you. "I don't know Dawson." You said to Dawson. "Oh come on sis please, you're perfect for the role, and Pacey you can also play the guy lead role." Dawson said to you and Pacey. "What is the film about Dawson?" You said to Dawson. "It's a enimies to lovers type of film and if you guys want to do it, pacey will be playing the rude jock that has a crush on you and you'll be playing the nice smart girl." Dawson said to you guys. "Sure why not Dawson." You said to Dawson.

"Yeah, sure." Pacey said to him. "Great thanks guys, now I just need to find the people to play the friend roles." Dawson said to you. "How did your studying go with um that guy what's his face?" Pacey said to you.

"You mean Chris." You said to pacey while laughing. "Yes him." Pacey said to you while laughing. "It was good." You said to pacey. Pacey and Dawson went and sat on the couch and  turned on the tv and the news poped up about a killer on the lose.

On the tv:

"Attention everyone we have breaking news about a killer that is on the loose killing women he is known as the lady killer we advise you and all the girls, and women to stay safe and to not go anywhere alone." The news reporter said.

You Dawson and Pacey were all shocked at what you just heard on the news. "Oh my god." You said shocked.

2 hours later:

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