Part 2

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You started your car and drove off. "Well what did you tell him?" Pacey said to you. "Jeez pacey why you so worried about it." You said to pacey while laughing. "I'm not I just wanted to know what you said that's all." Pacey said to you. "Well Pacey since your so curious I told him that I can't today because I'm hanging out with you guys but I told him we can tomorrow or Saturday." You said to pacey.

Pacey looked at you then looked outside his window. "Well andi if you do study with Chris tomorrow please be careful." Joey said to you. "Don't worry Joey I will." You said to Joey. The rest of the ride was quite until you guys got to you and Dawson's house.

"Alrighty we're here." You said to everyone as you guys got out the car. "Hey Dawson is mom and dad home?" You said to Dawson. "I think so?" Dawson said to you. "Ok." You said to Dawson. "Ok well I have to ask my grandmother if I can come over and I'll see you guys in a bit." Jen said to you guys. "Ok see you in a bit." You said to Jen. "Well let's all head inside." Dawson said to you jack pacey and Joey. You guys walked in. "Mom, Dad I'm home and I have a surprise." Dawson said as he walked into the kitchen with you jack pacey and Joey following him.

"Hey Dawson what's the surprise?" Your mom said to Dawson. "The surprise is me!" You said to your mom as you walked into the kitchen. "Andi!" Your mom said to you as she gave you a hug. "Hey mom." You said to your mom as you hugged her back. You and your mom let go of the hug and your dad came and hugged you. "Hey dad." You said to your dad as he gave you a hug. "Your finally home sweetheart." Your dad said to you as he hugged you. You and your dad let go of the hug. "Yep I'm back." You said smiling at your parents. "When did you get back honey." Your mom said to you.

"I got back today." You said to your mom. "Ok well how was school for you guys." Your dad said to you Dawson Joey jack and pacey. "It was good I mean andi was really popular today." Joey said to your mom and dad while smiling at you. "Oh really." Your dad said to Joey. "Yes." Pacey said to your dad while laughing. "Why don't you tell them andi." Jack said to you. "Ok well Um when I got to school a crowd of people came up to me and asked for a picture and a autograph because they recognized me because of my music." You said to your parents. "Wow that's great sweetie." Your mom and dad said to you. "Thank you mom and dad."

You Dawson pacey jack and Joey all left the kitchen and went up to Dawson's room. "Wow Dawson your room has not changed since I left." You said to Dawson while laughing and laying down on his bed. "Yep haven't changed it." Dawson said to you while laughing. "So what are we gonna do?" Joey said to you Dawson jack and pacey. "I have no idea it was your guys idea." You said while still laying down on Dawson's bed. Pacey came and layed right down next to you.

"We can watch a movie and order some pizza and play games like old times." Pacey said to you guys. "Ooo yes let's do that." You said to everyone while sitting up. "Ok well sounds like a plan I'll go order the pizza." Dawson said to you guys. "Ok and I'll go get the games." Joey said to you guys. "Ok me and jack and pacey will pick the movie." You said to Dawson and Joey as they were walking out the door. "Alright." Dawson and Joey said to you as they walked out the door.

"Ok so mr. Witter and mr. McPhee what movie should we choose." You said to pacey and jack as you grabbed the remote. "Well Um i don't know mrs. Leery what do you think we should watch?" Pacey said looking at you while smiling. You turned around and looked at pacey while smiling. "Well i don't know how about horror?" You said looking at pacey while smiling. Pacey looked at you in the eyes while smiling. "What pacey." You said to pacey while laughing. "Nothing it's nothing nervermind." Pacey said to you as he stopped looking at you. "Ok well what do you think of a horror movie?" You said to pacey and jack. "Horror movie sounds good." Jack said to you. "Yea that's good." Pacey said to you. "Alrighty then horror movie it is." You said as you looked for a horror movie.

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