Part 4

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As you and pacey got across the street you saw one of your favorite shopping places. "Omg pace, we have to go in here." You said to pacey all excited. "I don't know andi I mean everytime we go in here you take like 4 hours." Pacey said to you. "Please pace please I promise I won't take long I'll only get 2 things please." You said to Pacey while smiling at him.

"Okay fine come on." Pacey said to you. "Yes!" You said to pacey all excited as you grabbed his hand and walked into the store.

4 hours later:

4 hours later you and Pacey walked out of the store and you are holding 4 bags. "See I told you, you will take 4 hours." Pacey said to you. "Oh hush pace." You said to pacey while laughing

You guys started to walk around and talk when you guys decided to go see Joey at work.

With Joey:

You guys got to joey's job and walked in. "Oh hey guys." Joey said to you and pacey as you guys walked in. "Hey Joey." You and pacey said to joey. "What brings you guys here?" Joey said to you guys. "No reason just want to see ya." You said to Joey.

Few minutes later:

You and pacey have been there talking to joey for a few minutes. "Oh guys I have a idea for us to do." You said to them. "Okay what is it?" Joey said to you. "How about next weekend we all go on a little drive." You said to Joey and pacey. "That sounds like a good idea." Pacey said to you. "Yea it does." Joey said to you.

"But where tho? Out of town?" Joey said to you. "Yea out of town maybe." You said to Joey. "Good it'll be nice to get out of this town for the weekend." Pacey said to you. "Yea it would be." Joey said to you. "Okay great so you guys want to do it." You said to Joey and pacey. "Yea." Joey and pacey said to you. "Okay great." You said to them. "But where tho?" Joey said to you.

"Me and Dawson's parents have this cabin that we would always go to for winter vacation we can go there." You said to pacey and Joey. "Okay yea sounds fun." Joey said to you. "Okay I'll talk to Dawson and Jack and Jen about it see ya later Joey." You said to Joey. "See ya Joey." Pacey said to Joey. "Bye guys." Joey said to you guys. Then you and pacey walked out of the restaurant and went to you and Dawson's house.

At you and Dawson's house:

You opened the door and walked in with pacey. As you guys walked into the kitchen you saw your mom. "Hey mom ." You said to your mom as you walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Hi Mrs leery." Pacey said to your mom as he sat down at the table. "Hi guys." Your mom said to you and pacey. "Hey mom can I ask you something." You said to your mom. "Yes?" Your mom said to you.

"So you know that little cabin that you and dad would always take me and Dawson to for winter vacation." You said to your mom. "Yes I know, what about it honey." Your mom said. "Well I was seeing if it was okay if me, pacey, joey, Jen, jack, and Dawson can use the cabin for next weekend you know to just have a fun weekend and get out of town for a bit." You said to your mom.

"Oh like a little friend group get away hangout." Your mom said to you. "Yes just like that mom." You said to your mom. "Yea of course you guys can I don't see why not." Your mom said to you. "Yess thank you thank you mom love ya." You said to your mom as you gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "Yes of course honey." Your mom said to you as she hugged you back.

"Thank you mrs. Leery." Pacey said to your mom as she gave him a hug. "Yea your welcome." Your mom said to him. "Oh Dawson is upstairs if you want to tell him." Your mom said to you and pacey. "Okay thanks mom." You said to your mom as you and pacey ran upstairs and into Dawson's room.

"DAWSON!!" You and pacey both said to Dawson as you burst threw his room. "Yes?" Dawson said to you guys looking confused. You and pacey both told Dawson about the weekend cabin hangout. "Mom said we can use the cabin and Joey is already down to do it I just have to ask jack and Jen." You said to Dawson. "So you down Dawson." Pacey said to Dawson. "Yes." Dawson said to you and pacey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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