CHAPTER LXXV - The old trees

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Lullaby had received Julida's message, as had all the officers. She hated this abject clod, whose clattering legs deeply repulsed her. Calling her and Kito incompetent ? Was he stupid ? He hadn't been able to stop the redhead either and now he was walking around the palace. There were many things this soldier was not supposed to find out. Now, they would be forced to kill him.

The young woman had abandoned her opponent and was flying in the opposite direction. Given where the shipwright had fallen, it was far too risky for her to confront him. She brought her Den Den mushi to her mouth and contacted one of her allies :

- Phasma, do you copy ? This is Lullaby, blue unit. The intruder Julida was talking about is not alone, there is another one, in the forest. He is east of the palace, in a large ditch below. I'm not sure, but I think he fell among them...

- Them ? replied the man, with a high-pitched voice. Oh my... What are you going to do ?

- I left him there, I don't know how they will react... In any case, you are the specialist, so hurry up and go !

- I don't think you can give me orders, dear Lullaby. Like me, you only have the rank of officer. If an executive had told me to, I would have but...

- There's no time, Phasma ! she interrupted him. It is necessary to send an assassin of the yellow unit at once, it is all. You prefer me to contact your superior ?

- Oh hell no, he sighed. Lady Stinger is always in a bad mood when she's disturbed. Alright, I'll take care of it.


Zell could not believe his eyes : the tall trees all around him were coming to life. Using their roots as tentacles to move, they formed a circle around him. In their dark bark, small eyes had opened to observe him.

The young shipwright first raised his blades forward, ready to defend himself : he had never seen trees like this, but on closer inspection they were different from the others that populated the forest. Less bushy, darker, with thicker bark.

One of them raised one of its branches, like an avenging arm ready to strike with force, but another interrupted him :

- Come on, Willow, what are you doing ?

- But Your Highness... He is a man !

- Didn't you see him confront the terrible Lullaby ? He did not hesitate to attack her, to defend himself from her blows... Come on, Willow. This young man is not our enemy. Is he ?

Zell looked at the tree for a moment, puzzled.

- No, I... don't think I am. I'm just surprised, but not aggressive. You see, I know trees well, but I've never heard one speak to me.

The big tree in front of him laughed. It was taller, thicker and leafier than the others. On its trunk, a long branch served as a nose, and just below it, a mossy fuzz was looking just like a moustache. He held out the long branch that served as his arm to Zell : it was ending with finger-like branches.

- Pleased to meet you, young human. I am Irminsoul, the venerable elder of the Moringen tribe.

- Moringen... Zell repeated, puzzled. And so you are... trees. Talking trees.

- Indeed. Of all the plants, we are the only ones with souls. We have lived on this island for thousand years, you know. So long that we have forgotten its name, in fact... Everything here was symbiosis. Plant and animal lived together so well... That was before these savages came.

- Those savages ? repeated Zell. You mean those guys who attacked me and my friend ?

- Yes... pirates. They arrived a few months ago and took up residence in Villa Vivia, which is on the north side of this island. It used to belong to a noble family who left it, a long time ago. Today, it is completely abandoned.

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now