New Zealand (pt2)

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Author pov

Ok we are finally here!
This is the little cute place that I told you guys we are going to stop for night and then go to the camp...
Jungkook is so tiered...look at him...

Thank you baby for driving"
Lisa standed up and kissed his cheek
"Ne...we should took our staff and go in"

Lisa and Jungkook stepped out with their  bags and some of groceries they bought
It's cold!!
Look snow...awe the little woody house is beautiful...
Let's go and get the keys and the house we reserved..."
They went in and got their keys
Jungkook opened the door and they went in
"Oh... it's beautiful and warm..."

They put their bags in bedroom and the groceries in the small kitchen area
"It's so comfy!
We actually reserved a couple suit so there is one bedroom with big bed and one bathroom
Jungkook you go take a bath and I will make dinner ok?"
"But I should help you baby..."

"No you are tiered go and fresh up I will make it with lilis..."
He nodded and went to the bedroom
Lisa went to the kitchen and put camera
What should I make?
Hmmm first of all ramen noodles...
And then some meat salad...

Ok so first of all you need to boil water...then put the noodles in it...
Adding some salt pepper is good too"
Lisa did this all
"Now when noodles are getting ready we need to make meat salad

There are different ways to make it but I will grill meat a little and then I will add it to salad which is vegetables salade
Plants... potatoes... mushrooms olives and many more

We should cut meat like this..."
Lisa made everything
"Now time for taking out noodles...
I would add some oil to!"
She felt two arms around her and got startled...
"Jungkook you scared me!
Why so quietly?!"
Jungkook chuckled and kissed her cheek
"You were so in teaching lilis that you didn't notice me..."
" is ready let's eat!"

They sat down and start eating
"It's very delicious Lili thank you"
"Ne... enjoy your meal"
Lisa finished faster than Jungkook
"I am going to take a bath too...can you wash the dishes?"
"Yes of course go ahead.."

Lisa went in room with camera
"Then I will see you before sleep!
Bye for now!"

"Hi again everyone...I am so tired
I just want to say goodnight!"
Lisa said while she is in bed with a asleep Jungkook hugging her and lights off..
"Goodnight see you tomorrow!"
And the camera went off

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