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Author pov

"It's on...yes it is.
Hi Lilis!
Hi,hi are you guys doing?
Hi hello everyone!
So I storied on my Instagram that we are going to have live on YouTube channel so I hope you all have seen it and I am happy that you are all here...
Mm let me see oh yes Jungkook is also here..."

"Hi everyone...hi I am ok thak you lilis"
Jungkook waved at camera

"The comments speed is so fast so I can't read all of them sorry...
Ok so I have some plans for today's live!
First of all we are going to answer some of your questions since it's been long time...then we are going to design a small Christmas tree because well Christmas is near...and then after that we can decide if we wanted to do anything more...
So for now please ask questions you have!"

"How old are you guys...
I am 24 and Jungkook is 25

Please do more vlogs...sure I also love to do vlogs

Will stream video games?
Mm I have never thought of that but I don't think so...maybe we will record gaming video but stream I am not sure...

Jungkook how much you love Lisa?"

"So much"

"Ne thank you I love you so much too...

You guys are so cute together...thank you

When are you going to get married?
Because of corona it's not so easy and since we decided to do a ceremony and invite our family and friends it's even harder...but soon when the opportunity comes...I will take a vlog for you guys don't worry hehe...

Please read my name...ok Maria...thank you for watching...

Are you guys going to have pets?
Yes we decided on it...we are going to start with one pet and we will see if we can have more...
I think you will see him from next video!

Hello to new we are 30K...

Lisa unnie will you upload a video of dancing...I really like Lili films dancing videos...
Yes sure why no..."

"Ahem... cough"

Lisa looked at Jungkook who cut her words...
"Well I will upload for sure if you wanted but I don't think I will be able to do any dance like Lili films 3..."
She said and eyed Jungkook who was now smiling satisfied

"Mm...I think it's enough...let me go and bring trees Jungkook will continue ask him questions if you want"
Then Lisa went out

Jungkook was quite reading comments
"It's somehow interesting..."
He said and looked more...
"Jungkook oppa why don't you try a prank on Lisa unnie?
What?pranking her?
I have never thought of that...this one is really interesting...I will try"

"I am back!"
Lisa came in with a small tree and some staff for designing
She put them on table
"And also look at this special guest!
Leo is for one our friends...she gave him to us for sometime that they are going out of town to take care of"

Lisa kissed Leo and Jungkook looked at her then glared...
Lisa felt this and let Leo down
" designing...come on Jungkook let's do this"

They started working on tree

"Usually Christmas vibe is red and green and also a little yellow so...we are going to design base in this colors...but lilis remember adding some other colors to based colors will be so good also...

Jungkook here put this on the other side.."


"Oh I forgot to say this...guys as I note there the money that is donating on this live will be given to poor children...
We will add some more money to it and then we will buy toys and cloths for kids
To make them a little happy on Christmas night...every one should be happy at that time...
Spend it with important and your loves one and be happy and share this happiness"
Lisa said sweetly and smiled at camera and then Jungkook

"Ok so it's done!!
It's beautiful I guess... right lilis?
What do you think?


Thank you thank you...I hope it inspired you guys to go and make one...
Thank you for being in our live and watching it...
We are going to turn it off"

"Thank you everyone...merry Christmas..."
Jungkook waved his hand

"Merry Christmas...stay healthy and happy..."

"Focus on enjoying every moment"

"Haha...yes focus on it...bye!
Love you all!"

We don't have Christmas in my country as new year but merry Christmas to all of  you my dear readers who are going to have their new year
Be happy and be healthy 💜

Also our Yoongi...stay strong and get better soon💜

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