3 - The 21st

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season one episode three

Having woken up at four in the morning from nightmares and sweating her ass off, Rey felt like a zombie walking out of the changing rooms in the intelligence unit. Even though she had put her hair in a braid and had some light make up on, she knew she still looked like shit. Walking towards the main office she spotted Jay and Erin ahead, jogging a little to catch up with them.

"Oh, man, today's the 21st," she heard Jay say aloud.

"Yeah, it usually follows the 20th," Erin retorted, making Rey stifle laugh. Jay didn't find it funny at all and only kept silent. "What's up?" she then questioned.

"Nothing," Jay mumbled as the three strolled into the main office.

Voight stood at the board with a map and an address written up on it. 

"All right, there are two unrelated wire investigations," Voight said which got everyone's attention. "Surveillance followed three of area central's top-ranking gang targets to this house on Carpenter. Narcotics hasn't gotten anywhere with it, so command staff wants Intelligence on it." Rey nodded her head along with what Voight was saying. "Roll out in five."

The whole unit went their separate ways to get ready while Rey went back to the changing rooms to grab her vest, having a feeling that it was going to get messy.

Having hopped out of Jay and Erin's UC car that was facing south, she then made her way to a light grey sedan that was parked directly opposite the house. She ducked down behind the passenger door to make sure she wasn't seen by anyone inside the house, or by anyone walking past.

Across the road she spotted Olinsky and Adam in their Hi Vis vests patrolling the streets, making eye contact with them momentarily and nodding her head.

"We got the main eye," O spoke over comms.

"We're set up in the north," Antonio then said.

"Ten-four, we got the south and a partial of the alley," came Jay's voice.

"I've got the front door. Cant see anyone inside, though."

"If anyone goes mobile from the house, we're in position for a take-away," Antonio informed everyone.

"O and Ruzek, move closer. See if there's any other movement in the house," Voight instructed with the two moving to the side of the house.

Rey's stomach twisted making her subconsciously place her hand on her pistol, ready to take it out at a moments notice.

"Hold up, we got company" Erin's voice came over comms.

The twisting and wrenching in Rey's stomach only got worse as her eyes glued onto the black man in a yellow hoodie make his way up the stairs and towards the front door. She clicked the leather off her pistol so she could freely take it out at any second.

"Who's this Joker?" Antonio questioned, only to get no answer.

Peeping through the car window she heard the knock from across the road, but when bullets and gun fire rang out she immediately ducked down as the glass from the car windows shattered above her. The pistol was in both her hands, her finger just outside the trigger as she waiting for the bullets to stop flying at her. Her heart rate was amazingly calm as the bullets finally came to a halt. She pushed herself from the ground, her pistol in her dominant as she jogged around the front of the car and towards the front door where the others were headed.

Adam was quick to barge through the door - too quick so Rey thought - and seconds later another round of shots went off. She heard Adam shout at the crim so knew it had been him to fire the shots.

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